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"Ok, status reports," Zuko announces.

After weeks of investigations, the Gaang is finally back together to report on any findings. Zuko and I haven't been successful, but hopefully someone else comes through. I mean, how hard is it to find an escaped prisoner who is an ex commander and trained in combat and stealth? Haha...

This is a nightmare.

Zuko and I have spoken to Patyn's mother, siblings, and childhood friends, but no one has heard from him, and I still haven't told Zuko about Patyn allegedly being in love with me! Every since we spoke to Long's mother, my heads been in a tizzy. Say she's right, how far will Patyn go to get what he wants?

"I'll go first," I volunteer. "Well, we've spoken to Patyn's family and friends, and no one has heard anything! He didn't leave any clues in his letters, it was just him giving himself a pity party."

"So you've got nothing?" Sokka asks.

"Yes, Sokka," I answer with a stale face. "We've got nothing."

"Well, we spoke to his former masters, and they haven't heard from him since he was put into prison," Suki says.

"I've interrogated every one of his army buddies, and they haven't heard anything from him," Toph spoke up.

"Aang and I spoken to the prison's psychologist and warden, but they didn't have anything to report," Katara adds.

"That's it? Just two people?" Toph asks.

"Yes, that's all we could do. Aang has other duties as the Avatar, and I had to drop Bumi and Kya off with my father in the south. Gran-gran is going to help him take care of them while we're here."

Yeah, Aang is the Avatar... He shouldn't have to deal with this. This is my problem. I don't want anyone to get hurt because I couldn't finish Long off when I had the chance.

"Sir!" A young recruit rushes in, then salutes both Zuko and I. "There's been a disturbance in the lower ring."

We really need to find a new name for that. I've been working so hard to rebuild that part of the country, and our economy is really coming up. I don't want anyone to go through what I did as a child. Even before the war, the Fire Nation has been way too divided by status and clans. We're in a new era, I'll never give up striving for peace and healing.

"What?! What happened?" Zuko frantically asks.

"The Golden Book Store on Ember dr. was robbed by what was described as 10 to 15 men, said to be lead by Patyn Long, sir."

I look at Zuko, and he looks at me.

"Let's go."


I am beside myself. About time we arrived to the crime scene, all of the criminals were gone! Nothing was even stolen, the shop was just trashed horrendously... But that's not what has me worried. My favorite book was laid out on the counter when we arrived, and a single heart was burned on the cover. My favorite book that I talked to Patyn about relentlessly when we were dating, and in the shop I worked in as a kid for a little extra money for my family; all things Patyn knew. He's causing chaos in my home. The home I had to run away from because his precious Ozai and his plan to rule the world. The man who sent my brother to fight in a war he didn't want to be apart of.

I sit under a cherry blossom tree crying out my frustrations, the same cherry blossom I sat under when I lost my dad, after my first argument with Zuko as a couple, and after the Gaang split up to live on our own and start our lives as adults. It seems like this is my place to come to when it feels like my life is falling apart.

"Hey, I knew I'd- are you crying? What's wrong?" Suki asks as she sits next to me.

"Oh no, I'm fine," I lie, and quickly wipe eyes.

"No you're not. You're my best friend, and I know my best friend. You always come here when something is wrong, and I know when you're lying."

"Ok, you're right. It's just, that whole ordeal today was weird."

"Oh yeah," she agrees. "And it is so crazy that Patyn is doing all of this because he's in love with you."


"Suki, how do you know that?"

"It's so obvious," she laughs. "He destroys the store you worked at as a child, and he scorches a heart into your favorite book? He's got it bad."

"Is it that obvious?" I panic.

"Yes, to me it is," She says as she flips her hair. "Because I'm smart."

"Suki, this is all my fault. I should've listened to Zuko and not have gotten involved with him. How am I suppose to tell him any of this?"

"Listen, you're not going to go through this alone. I understand why you're nervous, I would be too if this happened with Sokka and I. Just know you don't have to tell Zuko now, but when you're ready, I'll be right there by your side, and so will Toph and Katara. We're your girls. Besides, the only reason Zuko didn't want you getting involved with Long was because he was jealous."

"Thanks, Suki. So how are you and Sokka doing? Tell me everything."

"Ugh, he's perfect!- well, perfect in his own kinda way. You'll never believe what he said to me the other day.."


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