more info on luna

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So I forgot to add some info in the chapter before, so I made another one.

Luna since she's a cat demon witch, has more cat like abilities, she has better eyesight she can smell better, and hear better, she can see in the dark and can climb things very fast very easy, she can also purr, very loud, she also can stay awake at night easily and she has fangs.

However there are some downfalls, she sheds from her tail and ears, she can't really control her tail and ears unless she really trys, and she can't control her purrs, she also hates water and when she is in it, like when she takes a shower she feels uncomfortable, so she takes quick ones

She also loves the sun and loves to take naps, she likes laying next, on top of, or cuddling someone, So she usually naps with king or sunny

sunny is almost always out of staff form, she really only goes into it when Luna goes to school

Luna is also friends with willow and gus

witch's are also cat like they can purr and their ears do move on there own, they have better smell, hearing and seeing, they also have fangs..

however they can't see in the dark, they also don't hate water and can't climb stuff easily

Luna can understand all palisman, but stronger relationships like with owlbert and her palismen make it easier to understand; she also doesn't communicate with Palismen unless they come to her first

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