edge of the world

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So, the reason her curse marks didn't grow, was because she technically befriended the curse; like Eda did

So, the reason her curse marks didn't grow, was because she technically befriended the curse; like Eda did

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Here the weighted blanket

King's pov:
I walk over to the eyeball frosting and reach to take it off the stove

"King! Gloves" Luna remind gently, in her grom outfit

I pull back from the stove and Luna puts the Mittens on, patting my head

My tail wags and I take off the liquid

I walk over to Luz, and put the frosting onto the cake, puring it over

:Wow, King. This looks great!" Luz says, also in her grom outfit

"Thanks. I- I hope they like it too" I admit

Luna rubs my head, "I'm sure they well"

"kinda annoyed I had to wear my formal outfit though, but anything for you bud" Luna says and steps over by Luz

A knock on the door grabs put attention

"Hooty-hoot! We have visitors!~" Hooty says and opens up

:They're here!" I yell

Eda is at the open door, and I giggle pulling Luz and Luna to help clean the kitchen

My dad, a mustached demon wearing a fedora, steps through he door with two kids

Luz gathers up some dirty dishes and take them away from the stove, while Luan does the same with the remaining ones

Eda brings my family to the kitchen, She is also wearing her Grom outfit

"Welcome to the Owl House, folks!" Eda says, "Hope this place wasn't too hard to find"

"Not at all! Thank you for having us" my dad says and I run to him

"King of Dads! You made it!"I say and hug him

"Wouldn't have missed it for the world, son" my dad says and pulls away

"I'm so happy we saw that video of yours! Now, maybe after dinner, we can have a nice game of catch" He says

"Really!?" I ask and my tail wags

"Prince of Brothers, Prince of Sisters, do you have something to say to your big bro?" Dad asks, and they run to me

"Big brother!" They yell and give me a hug, tails wagging

"Please have a seat, Your Honorable Mr. Doctor King of Dads" luz says

"King prepared a special feast for you all, with the help for Luna" Luz said, putting a hand on my sisters shoulder

"Hungry!" My siblings yell and run to the table; my dad walking to it

"Patience, children. It would be rude not to, give thanks first dad says, tipping his hat

the owl house, lumity X Fem Oc/readerWhere stories live. Discover now