discussions, random facts, and answer

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"Hey Pup, kitten, I'm back-" Luna couldn't finish her sentence before looking at the empty spots her lovers had been

"...okay, they where either kidnapped, or something happens that they had to do"

Two minutes later, she got her answer

"Hey Luna, we saw the author and had to run after her!" Amity texted

Luna putting the tray if three ice cream comes into her left hand, summoning her scroll

Luna paused, "I have been ditched by both my girlfriends....well shit"

"We'll be back soon, don't worry, we're sorry about leaving" the second text said

Luna took a breath and sighed

"It's fine, have fun, but you both owe me!" It said. Sounding light hearted

Lunas mood, however was anger, "I get that they had to and adrenalin and stuff- but still, WHY!?"

Luna groaned, "...at eats I have pity ice cream...maybe I should find Willow, she probably could use the help"

Luna got to Willow, and her eye twitched, she was not feeling good

She had been ditched by her lovers(even if by accident), her mom and brother where at home, and there while people where signing up for willows sport; was her brother Hunter

"I'm going to throw myself it the FUCKING Boiling ocean" Luna growled to herself

"Please don't" titan and crescent said at the same time

"I wasn't actually going to- jeez" Luna states and walk over to Hunter

Her anger slowly being put out, as she calmed down; she could talk to her brother again maybe get him to come to the Owl house?

Not to mention.....he looked, happy, like when they where separated

But still what was he doing here!?

Damn all of you wanted her to go with willow-

I- I'm kinda surprised actually, but like, understandable

Anyways, Lunas not having a good time this week; it's only been 4 days

Her uncle showed his face bringing up repressed memories and more trauma
Day 1

she then had to meet a young Belos
Day 3

and now she's ditched by her girlfriends by accident; AND has to see her brother, which she saw last when he HELD HER FAMILY AT G^N/STAFF POINT
Day 4

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Also, just wanted to talk about how I'm writing Lunas PTSD, I think I've done good so far

Some symptomsive written about arw:

How she avoids places, how she has trouble sleeping, is always on a gaurd/doesn't really trust anyone, is easily startled then others, avoids activates, and can't concentrate when she feels like she or loved ones are in danger, or having outbursts

And how she kinda has panics attacks but, they more like freeze her where she can't move or think

when she yelled at Ed and Em when they took Amitys diary, like she was really angry despite Amity being the victim and not being that angry

Because it hurt someone she cared about, and loved, so she saw threats

Or when Luz first went to School, she was invading Lunas space without any waring and startled her into an outburst

Its also because of OCD but besides that-

She also tries to divert attention by making jokes, either in her head or outloud, like when she thought,  "a wild Amity appeared"

Personally I think I've rewritten her PTSD very good

I also think I wrote her ADD and OCD well, I based Luna mainly on myself and research I did

Like I said before I'm 85% sure I have ADHD and some level of OCD, but am not able to get tested

No I don't have PTSD that is where the research part comes in

Some examples of Luna ADHD/ADD are;

How she's Eagar to buy the knife from tibbles, hyperfocusing on her knife collection

How she finishes and interrupts people's sentences a lot

And tends to stress easily

Some examples of her OCD are;

Again, when Luz goes to school the fist time
She's disrupting Lunas routine and safe space and she doesn't exactly appreciates it; especially with no warning
She only calms down when they alla green Luz goes to school

Also how she didn't ant Luz in her room; only not fighting due to no other rooms available, she also knew so it wasn't as big as a deal

Also how she struggled to forgive Lilith; it might be reasonable but she hasn't seen lilith since she was eight and for some reason, still holds a grudges

She also likes to have everything under control; but that's more of an example of all three

I well say that her ADHD and PTSD are more focused one then her OCD

Anyways guess since just wanted to lore dump and explain how I write her mental disabilities/disorders

If you guys have anymore examples of Lunas ADHD/ADD, OCD, or PTSD

I'd love to hear them as I certainly didn't list all of the examples or all her symptoms here

I'd also would love to see/hear if you think she shows any other mental disorder/s

Au fact I guess?
So, if Luna was human, I think she'd have DID since she'd probably would still have some variation of Titan and Crescent in her head

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