I was a teenage abomination

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Luna pov:
I woke up at 6 like always, I was with Luz on the floor again, cuddling the girl in my sleep.

I blushed again, and got dressed, I kissed my brother on the forehead and went downstairs.

I made, griffin eggs, pork chips and scrambled eyes. Luz had tried eating the scrambled eyes..... and she threw up, so I was hoping she could eat the griffen eggs and pork chips since Eda said they had stuff like that in the human realm.

An hour later it's 7:00 and I see king at the bottom of the stairs with franchise, "Hey buddy" I say as I place the food on the table

"Good morning luna, foods ready?"

"Yep I just made the last of it" I say smiling

He sends one back and scrambles on his high chair

Luz comes walking down with eda following.
I place the food on the table and sunny walks over to eda curling her tail around her leg.

"Alright alright, owlbert" the Owl comes over and flys to sunny, she raise her tail and he perches on it.

"Do those to have a thing?" Luz asks sitting down.

"Titan no!" I say "they are just really close, probably because their the only palisman in this area and they see eachother everyday"

"Oh that makes sense, anyways, what is this"

I stare at her "food" I say blankly, then laugh "hahaha no it's um, griffen eggs, pork chips and scrambled eyes."

"I can't eat this-"

"I'm 90 percent sure you'll be able to digest the griffen eggs and pork chips, since there very close to human food or so I've heard" I Look at Eda

"Yeah, there like your, uh chicken eggs and bacon or something"

"Well if you guys are sure" She says as she east some, we all started at her ".... it's actually just like eggs and bacon"

We all breath a sigh, "Well I hope you guys eat well, I've gotta go"

"Have a good day kid, and don't forget to cause chaos" Eda says

"Bye bye sis" King replies with his mouth full "bring back some trash food for me"

"I'll see what I can do" is say "I'll just get him a cupcake" i make a note in my mind to get king a cupcake "I'll take you to school next time"

Luz just continues eating I suppose she didn't hear me, "bye" I yell as I leave the front door, sunny in staff form and my backpack on my shoulders. I get on sunny and fly to school.

*time skip*
Time: 7:30
"Hey Augustus" I calm out as I approach the younger boy "where's willow?" I ask

"Oh she wanted to practice her abomination magic before school, so she out in the woods" he replies as he looks t the magazine in his hands.

"Alright cool.... cool" I scan the croud usually amitys on her scroll but she s not here, "Huh, I guess she's already inside, or she's somewhere else, oh well"

"I believe Luz has meet your little.... girlfriend"

"Not my girlfriend, but how?"

"Shes seen your girlfriend not meet her, but you'll see soon"

"He, cryptic much"

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