for the(our) future pt¼

367 11 5

Yes, I put an our in the title, it sounds better to me, idk why....adds angst? I think I might do the rest of the chapters in no ones pov, it sounds better when I write it then a 1st person pov

No ones pov:
"We gotta stick together" Luz says

"I'm sorry....Not this time" King says, 'But I can keep you safe..."

"No!" Luz yells, as king starts to slip

Luna grabs onto of his paws, tears streaming down her face


"I'm sorry- you two.....are the BEST sisters EVER" he state and feel tears falling down his face

"Theyl be safer in the Human Realm, not here with THIS....I ahev to say goodbye" King thinks looking at the portal, he CANT look at them he CANT BREAK

"And I'm so happy I had you as my sisters and friends, for so long" king starts

"Don't look at them DONT BREAK"

"you've protected me from SO MUCH.... and now it's my protect you guys...." he continues, tears falling

"No- king- PLEASE- " Luna begs, "we can run to it- we- I NEED YOU!"

"....I love you Luna, Luz" king finishs, looking at them as the sonic wave builds up

The Collector pulls the demon to him once the sound wave hits his friends, his fmaily; and King yelps as the Collector swings him around

"’M FREE!!! I’m free! Oh this is the goodest I’ve felt in forever and ever, it’s like the whole world is singing!" The Collector yells, as he swings king around, making stars and meteors fall

The Meteors behind him drop to the ground; hitting people and filling the sky with sparkles and rocks, people screaming as they try to avoid being crushed

King flinches at the screams, "Yeah, I wouldnt call that....SINGING"

"So, tell me about your game, “The Owl House” You promised you’ll teach me if I stopped the Draining Spell!" Tc days, turning to face king, still in the air, sitting criss cross

"Well, its uh- like playing pretend!" King says, trying to come up with a quick game to play

"We get roles and go on adventures, But uh, this is TOO crazy!" King exclaims and gestures below, "We can’t play if you're freaking everyone out!"

"King!" Lilith yells, catching the two gods attention, flying thanks to hooty

She lands on a peice of titan skull thats still intact, meteors still falling

"What are you doing up there!?" Lilith asks

"WHAT’S HAPPENING?!" Hooty yells, from the backpack

Lilith glares at the Collector, "I dont know WHAT you are, but STAY AWAY FROM MY NEPHEW!" She yells flying at them with hooty

Collector flies infornt of king, "That’s my BEST FRIEND you’re talking to!" He yells, a crescent symbol on his fingertip

"LULU!!!" Hooty yells, as Lilith gasps, before surrounding her as a sheild

As the symbol his hooty instead, Hooty gets turned into a puppet in a box

Lilith gasps, "Hootsifer!" She yells, before also being hit and tuened into a pupet; then the two disappear in pink smoke

the owl house, lumity X Fem Oc/readerWhere stories live. Discover now