Lunas birthday

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So, I changed Lunas birthday because....I needed it to not be to close to the start of summer but not to far form the end

So I essentially just added all the pride days of her specific lgbtq+ and the pride day and then divided by 4

Minus demigirl cause apparently there is no set date for it

And I got 20.5, then multiple 20 × .5, got 10, and added that to get 30

And I figured I could add a 1 'cause....yes

Made it August because that the canon month in the owl house, so Lunas birthday is August 31st

The Canon day I believe is August 24, from the calander Camila has in reaching out, so-

In Canon, we know that the past 3 episodes have all happened one day after another; so that would put us at 27, of course entire that we had TTBK and HM

Those we can make the assumption of happening a day after eachother, or the day directly after the other one, in Canon

So, reaching out-24
Thems the breaks kid-26
Hollow minds-28
Edge if the world-29
Labyrinth runners-30

So, technically in Canon at O' where art thou titan, it's August 31

If it is one day after another, which I personally like;
reaching out-24
Thems the breaks kid-25
Hollow minds-26
Edge if the world-27
Labyrinth runners-28
O' titan where art thou-29

I'm going with the 2nd option because I acn....also, more trauma!

Clouds of the horizon-30
King's tide-31

the owl house, lumity X Fem Oc/readerWhere stories live. Discover now