lore explanations

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Alright this is incase anyone wants some lore answered, more in detail

1. Lunas Curse;
So, Luna ate Titan's blood because children are DUMBASSES
And that made her get the Titan in her head

However, when titan died, he was fighting Crescent and so when they died their blood mixed, so when Luna ate the blood she got both of them in her head

Crescent would always terrorize demons and witches on the Boiling Isles, that Titan stopped and killed her, dieing himself and then his body; like many other titans, became an island for witches; Crescents body being under the Titan

Titan will and soul was much stronger then Crescent, allowing him to keep Crescent trapped and not possess Luna to kill

The two being implemented into Lunas head caused horns to grow, and eyes to turn a much darker red....her horns also contain a certain dark blue blood....

Anyways, with Titan being able to hold Crescent back, Luna was fine, Lunas mind being strong and calm also helped give Titan more strength to keep her back

But, when Kuan panics and her mind becomes....'unstable' it becomes harder for Titan to hold Crescent back

So in an attempt to help, Titan sues some of his power to heal and help Luna try to calm down

And if Luna used magic in her panicked state, it'd cause her to cough up blood as her body isn't used to having such a power boost

And the more Titan used him magic the weaker he became, and the more panicked Luan becomes as now she's BLEEDING

So Crescent can start to take over, causing markings too grow, which start the transformation

It's like a door, when calm and normal, Titan do Luna are able to keep the door closed and block Crescent

But when Luna uses magic and becomes panicked she disappears from the door, making Titan have to hold Crescent back on his own

Then when Titan tries to help, he loosens his grip on the door

When Crescent took over, since Luan now knew she was din her head, Luna could now communicate with Crescent

Fun fact; the curse is actually inspired by dingi doodles, D&D, Fool's gold, character named sips; who also has a similar curse

So I suggest watching her to help understand Lunas curse

Another fun fact; Lunas past with the muzzle and rocks being thrown, is inspired by Nick from zootopia

2. Luna and Hunter/whittebane family;
So, as we know Luna and Hunter are siblings, what about their family

In my AU Philip is belos, and he had a brother named, idk Edward I guess? William maybe idk okay-

Anyways, so they decided to stay in the demon realm because, idk lore to come I guess

Anyways, William had a kid, and then that generation had both Luna and Hunter

And then there's soem more lore but it hasn't been shown in the show yet so...yeah

Basically, Belos's brother William has a kid who then had Luna and Hunter; then the twos parents died, somehow....

And so belos took them in, and hates being called grandpa so gets called Hunter instead

Warning, this info might change, because of lore

3. Why Hunter didn't look for Luna;
Well, Luna was pronounced dead, and Belos forbade anyone from making it public

As well as, Hunter wasn't allowed to join the coven until he was 14, which is the age that you need to be before joining a coven

When he did, Luna look a lot

4. Why Luna didn't ask Amity out;
Simple, Luna is a perfectionist, she over analysis things and hyperfixates on making them, perfect

She didn't want it to just be, plain, she wanted it to be big but not too big, something sweet but not overwhelming

She also couldn't do that while she did want to and even the stuff before, Luna also didn't want to be unfair to Willow

As Willow was bullied by Amity, so Luan wanted to focus on fixing that before doing anyhting

Though she was more hyperfixated on the first part

5. Why Luna didn't help the bullying;
She actually did, but most of the bullying only happened when she wasn't around

And Willow didn't really wanna mess up her and Amity's friendship even if it hurt her, and Gus is an oblivious child

When Luna was around though she stopped it or told Boscha to fuck off

6. Lunas cat form;
She does use it, however transforming well make the user more tired and uses energy and magic

Just like spells, it's just that hybrids don't have to draw a spell circle to transform

Demons can't really transform as they are already in their demon form

But hybrids are in between, meaning they have a demon form

Some can stand on two legs like a normal demon, some can't

In theory they could have a witch form, however that form is extremely hard as it's harder to suppress you demon side instead of your witch side

I have no more scenarios, so Ask anymore questions I didn't answer, if you have any

Also anyone have headcanons of Luna? Just asking cause I'd be interested in your headcanons!

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