Idk HOW o got to 10k rads- but thabks- I'm not gonna lie, I don't really keep track of how many people ready my story to how many views its gotten, but 10 k is AMAZING, I'm gonna be real, I never expected this story to get over 1000, maybe, but here we are!
I'm also bored and wanna post headcanons of the characters
I'm gonna also play into others headcanons but change them up some
1. The Boiling Isles does have labels, like lesbian, Trans, bi, pan, etc
However, they aren't used a lot, as no one really cares who you love, as long as it isn't like; you knew someone when they where a baby, and then got married once they turned 20, or incest
But they still exist, so that way people who want a label, can have a label, but most of the time people don't bother with them
2. The Boiling Isles actually downstairs hate criminals, if anything they hate the Emporers coven more, as long as it isn't like the criminal forced themselves onto someone
Of course there are a few exceptions, like tibbles
3. Everyone knows everyone, Luke seriously, the Boiling Isles has a big population, but it's still less then humans
But the boiling isles is only one titan/island, so it doesn't have every single demon and witch on it
as well as you have to exclude beast demons, atleast the non-senteint ones
4. The Boiling Isles is a lot better then the human realm with mental disorders/neurodivergencies
5. Witch's do resemble cats, a LOT, they have sharp fangs, they have claws, and they can purr(though all residents of the demon realm have fangs)
Of course, some Witch's have more cat like abilities, for example;
One witch can have the claws and fangs, but can't purr
Or one witch can purr but doesn't claws6. Luz, is genderfluid, but she prefers she/her pronouns, of course sometimes she feels more non-binary or muscular, like in the grom episode
But she usually uses feminine pronouns7. Luna is taller then, Luz and Amity, Luz is 5,5, Amity is 5,5½, and Luna is 5,7
Fun fact, Lunas height is actually my own- though it's either 5,7 or 5,8; I just picked 5,7 though
8. Amity, Luz, and Luna are all nerodevergent; also these are besides for the 💫trauma💫 and 💫PTSD💫 they have
Luna, has ADD, which is more cognative/in the person's head then ADHD, and OCD
But if anyone else has takes on what other neurodivergencies, she may have, feel free to say itLuz, has ADHD
Amity, has autism, and has sensory overloads
9. Lunas birthday is May 22nd, aka, my own birthday irl
Luzs birthday is July 15th, and,
Amitys birthday is August 2nd10. Luna, hasn't told anyone whi her brother is, the only time she mentioned him was when Eda took her in
11. Luna constantly help the twins with messing with their parents
12. Luna only really studys oracle magic so she can use it to communicate with her friends, she focuses on healing, beast keeping, and potions, magic
13. Luna is extremely strong, even for a hybrid, fun fact, on one of their dates Luna actually picked up both Amity and Luz
It was awkward and she only did it for a minute or two, before she practically dropped them
Amity almost passed out, before being put down, but she was fine-14. Amity doesn't call her parents mom or dad, unless they physically address her and she absolutely needs to
15. Luz thinks if Eda as a second mom, and thinks of King as her brother
16. Luna doesn't mention titan a lot, as she doesn't want to be praised like Belos, it doesn't sit right with her
The only ones she's mentioned it to is Eda, and even then she usually just says he's her conscious
17. Lunas style changed in season 2 finally, though I don't think I ever said that
So, obviously she has a spike collar now, from Amity
But she also wears jeans Now, though they are very ripped
Her sweater/holding is still the same
Lunas18. Luna well mention voices on her head, gus well say a lot of violent things and suggest, similar things, and Luna well look at him
Sometime she'll say "calm down bud, you might be going to far, and that's coming from me- and the voices-"
She generally scares the others sometimes19. Amity is a lesbian, obviously as we know, but is also demiromantic and demisexua
20. Luna once mentioned how Luz looks like 'the broom lady'
When Luz asked about it, Luna just stared off somewhere21. Willow is NOT a vegetarian, she would NEVER eat her children, this beast I full on CARNIVORE
22. Bump has seen so much shit, that at this point, you could blow up half the school and he'd be like "Ah, a normal Tuesday" or whatever day it is
23. Hunter actually did not know his sister was alive, like he heard about a Luna, but he thought it was someone with a similar name
It wasn't until he saw the wanted poster he knew, of course Belos said that Owl Lady had convinced her to betray them, and so they shouldn't care about her
Of course, Hunter TRIED, but he just couldn't, so he would watch Luna if he was near her, however when he h direct mission to see her, he knew he had to take it
24. Hunter has made this little bird house for little Rascle in his room, in the corner above his bed canopy, so no one can see
25. When belos found out Luna could actually talk to the Titan, he made her tell him how
And then he tried to find the blood and do the same, but with titans mind already being in someone, it didn't work
26. Willow is the mom friend, Luan comes in at a close second
27. Willow us aromantic asexual, am I projecting, yes
28. Gus is bisexual and asexual
29. Gus could probably DESTROY someone's mental health if he was pushed far enough
But no ones made him and enough for him to do it, Luna is sometimes generally afraid of him30. Lilith is demisexual and demiromantic, and a lesbian
31. Edirc and Emira, are both teams, they also took eachother names, I'm not kidding
32. Luna has almost stabbed multiple people, Witch's and demon alike, for very simple things, accidentally touching Amity, scoffing at Luz, laughing at Gus's magic shows, smashing plants in front of willow
33. Luna has a knife collection, a very big, and concerning one- and its just, under her be
34. Amity has an undercut
35. Everyone has called Eda mom at some point, except for the adults
36. Eda is planning something, that's he hasn't told anyone, and for some reson needs about 5 rooms cleared
37. Polyamorouse marriage is legal on the Boiling Isles, in fact, about 1/4 of relationships are probably polyamorouse
38. Hooty has at least 6 stomachs
39. Eda got Luz a scroll, don't ask how, though Luz can't summon it lie normal, but a scroll can't break unless it's from magic, so she just rolls it up and puts it in her pocket
40. Luz explained what camp her mom tried sending her too, to the owl hosye residents
Hooty didn't really care, neither did the palismen
King was just, confused
Luna was confused as to why her mom would do that, but also somewhat understood why
Eda was strongly quiet, and you could feel the anger off of her, but she also understood in the endNotes: honestly, I'll probably do some one shots on some of these headcanons, okay byeeeeee

the owl house, lumity X Fem Oc/reader
FanfictionLuna Clawthorne is a normal, lion-demon, witch of 14, woth a height of 5'8, she has a mom(whos a criminal!), a little brother, 2 close friends, a crush....well, she's normal in every way except her curse and the voice of God in her head. And when he...