Edas requiem

557 12 7

Alternate title: Eda's kids are leaving and she hates it and panics

Eda pov:
I sigh, "okay, Luz needs a new coat, King needs to be checked for fleas, my old dress needs to be BURNED, and I need to drag Luna out of her cave"

"...Am I missing anything?" I ask myself

I look up at my reflection, "Oh, you've changed, Owl Lady"

I take the photo of me, Luz, Luna and King at Grom and chuckle, "It's worth it"

The picture is with King jumping infront of me, while Luz pulls me and Luan together for a hug and Luna has her cheek pressed against my shoulder smiling happily with her eyes closed, while I look at the camere in surprise(might draw this later idk)

"And three, and four, and five, and six, and seven, and eight, and nine, and ten!" Luz yells

"And weh, and weh, and weh, and weh, and weh, and weh, and weh, and weh!" King says at the same time

My ear twitches at the noise and I look out the window

I open the window and smile at Luz and King, who doing pull-ups on Owlbert in midair

"Alright, King, What's the first thing you're going to do when you meet your dad?" Luz asks after catching her breath, "or parents, we don't know yet"

"And ten thousand! Well, once we're done training, I'm gonna move out of that closet, that's for sure!"

"Then, I'm going to ugly cry, HARD!" King yells

"Have you told Eda about your decision to leg-"

"Shh!" King yells, cutting of Luz

I slam the window and duck down

"I- I'm not ready yet, I'm not sure how she'll react!" King says

I sigh, "Titan, looks liek Everyone's leaving, huh?"

"Luz is gonna go home, and now even King" I grab the picture, "I guess I'm no substitute for the real thing"

"Guess ill still have Luna, but she's in fucking a CAVE for some reason still-" I open the chest and pause

I look at my lute, which still has the raincloud and bolt carved into it

It also has a paw and a crown, Curtis of King and Luna

I put the photo in my hair and pick up the lute

"Welp, nothing like a good distraction"

I stand up and start playing a song and everything around me starts to float

"Wha-" I gasp, "Has my magic returned?"

A boot starts to turn black and I stop playing and everything falls down

"Oh, guess not.....Stupid curse"

I place the lute back in the trunk and look back at the list

No ones pov:
Luz and King stand on the edge of a cliff, Eda's staff in Luz's hand
They dive and fly over the water, maneuvering past several rocks then flying past sunlight

Meamwhile Eda is in the living room with her scroll and listening to the news

she writes on her list and twirls her hair with the pen and hums as the news plays something interesting....

"And we're back live at the emperor's castle! In light of Scooter Crane's retirement, today's ceremony will confirm Raine Whispers as the next head of the Bard Coven"

Eda smirks a little, chuckling under her breath

"...Do I HAVE to be on camera!?" Raine asks

"For Titan's sake, just say something!" Darius yells at them

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