yesterday's lie

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Well shit, here comes the angst-
Also, I'm gonna be honest, this chapters povs where kinda all over rather place, I'd dint know who's pov should be where, but I tried my best, so enjoy

No ones pov:
'Luz' is clearing off a table in her room

She pushes things into a box she holds, a tin foil swan, an Azura figure, a picture if her, etc

"Ah, much better" 'Luz' says as she pushes her hair back

As 'Luz' walks down the steps towards Camila, the adult perks up and looks at her 'daughter'

Camila closes the car door, "What's the box for, mija?" She asks and walks towards the girl

"Uh- up a little" 'Luz' says and smiles, looking down at the box

"Even this?" Camilia asks and picks up the tin foil swan, "You used to love making me tinfoil swans!"

"Oh, I'm uh…" 'Luz' takes back the tin foil swan, "just looking for a fresh start!"

'Luz' walks awya and Camila looks at he rings concern and slight confusion

"Camp taught me a lot, you know?" 'Luz' says and sets down box beside the trash

"Yes, it....sure did…" Camila says quietly

Suddenly a loud squeak is heard, and Camila gasps, looking for it and finding a rabbit; caught in a trap

"Ah! Luz, grab the pliers!" Camila says and the teen runs away as Camila outs on gloves and kneels

'Luz' comes back with pliers and hands them to 'her mom'

"Okay, okay, little bunny, you're gonna be alright!" Camilia cuts the string

"There we go!" Camilia says as she frees the rabbit, which hops away

"That's the 5th trap this week!" 'Luz' exclaims

"If I ever catches who's responsible and then I'll PA-POW!" Camilia yells and punches the air

'Luz' giggles and Camilia smiles, bopping 'Lyzs' nose

"Let's go back inside, I will make maduros"

'Luz' smiles in 'her' mirror in 'her' room, "A new life...."

'Luz' opens the closet and takes out a shirt, then closes it

The mirror suddenly shifts and changes into real Luz, looking at the imposter

Luz has a PISSED expression, and growls, slamming her hands on the mirror, "YOU!"

'Luz' screams

Lunas pov:
Were outside if the Owl house Luz messing with a portal door

I sit beside the door, King in my lap holding Amitys glove, while Eda and Hooty, look at us from behind

"SO, according to Philip's instructions, the hardest part to making a portal was finding someone who knew how to build it!" Luz exclaims and sticks some tape on the door

"But a lot of the ingredients are pretty easy to find!" Luz turns to look at Eda, "Your crazy apocalypse supplies finally came in handy Eda!"

Eda snaps her finger and points at Luz, winking

I giggle, "I mean, it's more of Eda being a hoarder, but fair enough"

"Hey! More then a quarter do that stuff is yours and you know it kid!" Eda retorts and I smile

king chuckels then stand s and walks to Luz, "Don't forget this"

King hands Luz Amitys glove, with a sad expression

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