Luna Clawthorne is a normal, lion-demon, witch of 14, woth a height of 5'8, she has a mom(whos a criminal!), a little brother, 2 close friends, a crush....well, she's normal in every way except her curse and the voice of God in her head. And when he...
Summary: Uhh, idk, I found this tho: anddddd got inspired on like, how Luna would be and her her beta version woukd be
Gave her a backwards ahat, button up under a jacket which I didn't draw cause king probably demanded it- basically she'd look like your typical movie jock, bit she's not cause unlike the movies she's not unnecessarily rude or mean or anything
She is towards Luz at first, but only cause she protective of her family, their the only ones she has after all; she'd probably also be dating Amity then they also out Luz together or smth idk
Anyways, small picture/eidt, ignore the bad quality
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Andddd some snippets/scenes!!
"Are you sure mom?" Luna asked, tail flickering behind her, "cause I can totally skip-"
"Yes yes! Stay in school, keep an eye on Lilly for me- heard she was going to check out the school" eda chuckled
"Mhm, she is and Bump wants to show us off .." her voice trailed off before picking back up, "but I can still-"
"No, no- plus your little girlfriend is coming back home today, go see her! Have fun! I got it covered!" Eda insisted
"Mmmm okay, tell king I said hi" ~ ~ ~ "Whose that?" Luz asked hiding inside a locker
"The head witch if the empires coven! My aunt, she sometimes visits the school- I guess today is the day...." king sighs, "she's also the one who took my crown!! Gave it to stupid principle bump..." he grumbled
Lilith zapped a student to detention, "oh. Yeah, she does that, only the top student slike my sister can get past her rulings-"
"We mentioned her!!"
"The bell rung." Lilith states suddenly, a lion-dmeon next to her
"Aww we both knwo you love me to much to hurt me aunty~" Luna teased
"Go to class." Lilith sighed, rolling her eyes
Luna sucked in a breath smiling face turning serious, "yess ma'am." And she promptly walked off, Lilith going the other way
"So....if she source sister then she can help....I guess we're following her!" Luz said leaving the locker ~ ~ ~ "And the saddest thing is, she thought we were friends" Amity laughs
"Well, I can't say I BLAME her" luna purrs, lenaong on the doorway, "I mean, a pretty girl like you saves me?" She scoffs and walks over, "of course imma be enamored!"
"Luna!" Amity smiles
"That's my name!" Luna joked making Amity roll her eyes with a small 'dork' as Luna wrapped an arm around her purring
King made a disgusted noise from under the cloak, romantic affection, blah, how could his sister be such a trator!?
"So they gave you this?" Luna asked holding it up to the light
Amity nodded, "yeah, it's weird I know"
"Eh, it's not a bad drawing....though, uh, the blood is unsanitary....but it's dried so it's whatever, they sound nice at least" Luna shrugged handing it back
"Yeah, so uh, who are you?" Amity asked the new? student
" one, no one"
"...weird" Amity said once the demon left, "anyways, i see no jacket today?" Amity asked balling up the drawing, not like she cared about it
"Yeah, King was cold and, well, I cant deny that little monster anything" Luna sighed affectionately, voice fading from Luz and lings ears as they walk away ~ ~ ~ "The new student rocks!"
"Oh? What's going on?" Luna asked to her girlfriend, who was flustered? "....okay seriously what the-.....oh my titan- MOM!" Luna shouted as she saw her mom, brother, and someone else run form her aunt, "titan dammit!!"
'Woukd you shush, I am trying to nap' the titans voice echoed in her head, and Luna mentally rolled her eyes ~ ~ ~ "Hey guys I'm home- what the fu-" she trailed off, "who the fuck is that??" She asked pointing to Luz
Luz turned to look at her jumping, "oh right, lion girl is your uh, sister haha...." luz chuckled nervously
Luna stared at her, ".....oh fuck no." Her tail flickered angerily behind her
*episode ends*
So yeah that's pretty much all, um, I onwo this book is discontinued and stuff but like, is till appreciate you guys and I'm glad you enjoyed this content and story and character
Even though, to be honest it was really badly written, like, I had no idea how I wanted to write luna and I didn't really change anything- but hey, good first writing experience and now im doing bigger things!
If I re write this book I'd probably, like, only focus on the scenes that changed and make them call Eda mom from the get go, I'd re write her friendships, stuff like that I'd probably also age them up since I'm older now
I would honestly love to possibly re write this au, and maybe make a different one- like where hunter came with her and I did do this on pure impulse-
Luna: 16, she/they, pansexual, demisexual, she has ADD(adhd) She is a lion-demon hybrid, at a young age she confused titans blood which change her DNA and cause her to sprout horns, it also caused her magic to be powerful and unstable
Due to the DNA change she is able to talk to the titans though not very often, and dip into his powers. However the more she does so the more something....more evil appears through the cracks, she simply says it is a curse She can also change into a lion form, though doesn't do it often
Her mother, not biological, is Eda who found her after a birthday party incident and took her is King is her little brother Willow, Gus, and her are friends, she met them through mutual classes Her and Amity are sort of friends, their on the same sports team and work in the library after all, they aren't super open about it, but do hang out occasionally; if you see them interact you can tell they have crushes on eachother She absolutely hates Bosha specifically
She is loyal, kind, caring, wants to help everyone, hates tough decisions, hates birthday parties, she's protective, quick to anger, argumentative, blunt, hates beign froced to do something, and usually the type of person to point out the obvious. She's also non confrontational stand tries to befriend everyone she can, shes pretty popular
She wants to become the boiling isles equivalent of a vet, so she studies the beast, potion, and healing tracks
(Then of course for the reveal) She is hunters half sister, the grimwalker of Caleb meeting a rebel lion demon and having Luna, they ran away together. Below found out and so has plans to kill him, already creating a knew grimealker; Caleb found out, grabbed the new girmwalker and ran away They named him hunter and hea nd Luna were raised side by side for 7 years before Belos killed their parents and took them in, Luna woudk run off to a birthday aorty where they'd try to muzzle her due to her being cursed; she cuts the main bullies cheek and runs awayz getting found by Eda
However I don't wanna jump into it and then give it up, but it might happen one day who knows Tho I might put up little snippets like this every once in a while, idk