aftermath(19 k special)

392 11 1

I can't stop thinking about what's gonna happen after, and this is what I came up with

Warning: blood, stitches, lost organ (kinda)

When Luz should up,, Camila felt a lot of emotions; fear, love, tearful, happy

And when Luz had given her mom a hug; that broke the damn

The mother and daughter had cried for what felt like hours, but was only 5 minutes

Luz pulled away rather hesitantly, and then said that they had been 'cut off' from their home

Camila wasn't sure if she meant it was her home too, or just her....friends?

She was able to get the kids to walk into the house with hesitancy from them

Especially the cat? Girl, who had been glaring at her the entire time, a low growl heard from her

She was surprised that the neighbors hadn't called the cops, then again it was 10pm at night

The kids now sat on the blue couch, and just stared, all tense

Even Luz, who had been happy to see her mom, seemed to just, be broken

Camila didn't know what happened, but she didnt miss the way the cat?, purple, and golden haired kids tensed up more whenever she got close

the cat? Girl in the middle, Luz on her left, the purple girl on her right

The teal girl was sat in the chair next to the purple one; the golden and black haired boys cuddled together on the chair beside Luz

The cat? Girl, had this...staff? Statue of a cat? Thing, spread out with her arms; covering the kids like a railing

They all looked so SMALL fragile, and terrified

Luz hadn't spoken to Camila since the hug, and that was very concerning and sadding

As if 7 kids showing up at your door at 10:30pm wasn't

What was also concerning was that she nor Vee could get close to them

Even though they wanted to help, the kids had scratches and cuts all over their bodys; the cat? Girl with the worst one

Her eye was also two different colors, purple with red around the iris, so either she was born like that or the wound had wounded her eye

There was also this black vine like stuff going up to the middle of her face

However whenever they tried to help, like when Vee bringing in a medical kit it made it worse

not only did the 3 kids tense up more, but the cat? Girl growled and spin her finger

Despite the girl? Demon hybrid? Cat? Appearance with sleepy unfocused eyes, she also seemed to snap awake when they got close

After Vee had tensed up when she done that, Camila figured she shouldn't mess with them right now

So, now she and Vee where at the table; dinner still on the stove, watching the couch on concern

Vee had placed a first aid kit on the table, which hadn't seemed to bother them

But didn't get to close, not knowing what to say or do really

They weren't human, Camila knew that- but she had taken care of Vee, and these
..witches? Looked more human then her

Well, minus the cat? Girl, she looked more like a hell hound but a cat instead of a dog?

Camila bit her lip, looking at the kids with a sigh; as dinner needed to be cooked still

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