Chapter 23- Night out

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I snuggled deeper into his neck, kissing it gently after I felt Connor rub my waist gently.

"Can we go out?"

I mumbled into his neck.

"Where do you wanna go?"

I simply shrugged my shoulders then sat up, looking down at him with tired eyes.

"You look tired, you sure you want to go out?"

I nodded quickly, I may be tired but this is probably my last day here and i don't want to spend it in bed.

"I'll book a table at-"

A whine slipped out of my lips before I collapsed on his chest making him huff.

"I don't want a fancy place I'm tired of that already"

I felt him starting to play with my hair before I hummed and turned around to face him.

"Let ME take you out tonight"

The second we stepped out of the car and faced the small restuarant Connor looked down at me with a skeptical look on his face.

"It's not bad, I know it dosen't look good but the food is great..come on"

I held his bigger hand in mine before dragging him inside, we ordered some local food and water and chatted while the food arrived.

"How can you be sure that these things don't have germs on them?"

He asked, eyeing the wooden chopsticks on the table after the food arrived.

"They aren't..come on let's eat"

To say that Connor was struggling to eat his food would be an understatement, he was very used to the fancy 4 or 5 stars food and wasn't really sure if the food was clean but when I reached my hand out with food in my chopsticks he sighed before eating it.

"Good boy Conny"

He rolled his eyes playfully, a smile on his face before he started eating on his own.
The rest of the night went just as humble, we stopped by another small dessert place and ordered two cheesecakes.

"If I get food poisoning it's on you"

I rolled my eyes before shoving a piece of my cheesecake inside his mouth to shut him up.

"I think this is nice, more nice than being in a closed space with so many forks and knives and people staring at you waiting for you to fuck up so they can judge you"

I said, stretching my arms out, enjoying the cool breeze playing with my hair, a plastic fork was more convenient and nice to him than being in a fancy restaurant.

"Well..street food is ..nice and I guess, using chopsticks and a plastic fork is nice as well"

He confessed, making me grin in satisfaction.

"I'm happy you liked it Connor, these are the places I used to eat at before all of..this and I really wanted to show you this part of my life"

Connor smiled and reached out his hand to hold mine tightly.

"I liked it alot, thank you for taking me out..this is actually my first time being taken out and it was special. Thank you"

I almost cried right there and then, I felt something more than just friends with benefits with him, I felt like I wanted to sleep and wake up next to him, like I wanted to claim him and call him mine, I want him to call me his .

"Ahm..yeah, let's go home now it's almost midnight and we have work tomorrow"

Connor nodded, clearing his throat before pulling his hand away from Mine.

Next morning, I asked him to move all my things over to my apartment so I Won't have trouble with it later on, he agreed on doing so and hired people to move all my bags back home.

Connor's POV.

I wanted him, I wanted him more than I ever wanted anything in my life, he's the reason I get at least 6 hours of sleep every night, he's the reason I have a smile on my face whenever i wake up and find him next to me, he was the reason I am who I am today, happy and healthier than ever, I was about to ask him to stay more but decided against it when he asked me to move all his things back to his apartment, I couldn't say no, I didn't want to trap him here where he doesn't belong, where he dosen't want to stay.

"You're gonna switch places with Andrea"

I said bluntly while signing a few papers he gave me.

"W-what? Why?"

"Don't worry, your paying will be the same, you're just gonna take her position and she's going to take yours"

I needed him away from me, I can't let him stay close, it will only hurt me and keep him in my mind even more, I need to get over him, I need to.


I looked up at him to see his face void from any expression, it's like..he didn't care enough to, making me even more confident of my decision, this is what's best for us, me and him.

A week later of not seeing Justin at all, I started getting..home sick? I was lost without him, I was feeling empty and depressed, I took a tour around the offices, the ones he was supposed to be in but found no trace of him so I went back to my own office, worry eating me up from the inside.

"Since when did justin stop coming to work?"

I asked Andrea after she walked in with a file in her hands.

"Four days ago, he's acting like he owns the company or something, he should get fired"

I death glared at her, making her gulp and quickly look away.

"Get out and never come in here again"

I shoved the file toward's her, she chuckled nervously, collecting the file quickly.

"I'm- I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you-"

"Get out!"

I snapped, loosing the few drops of coolness inside of me, I couldn't function properly any more,
I quickly scrambled out of my leather seat and made my way to the parking lot I need him.

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