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I buried my face into Connor's arm,my face bright red.

"Daaaad, please stop"

Everyone laughed at my reaction, Connor placed his hand on the back of my head and ran his hand on my hair when i looked up at him his hand moved further to my cheek and stroke it with his thumb i smiled at him watching him smiling back I leaned down kissing me gently.

"Get a room!"

I broke the kiss and blushed while half smiling half glaring at my father.

"Dad. Control yourself please~"

I whined, leaning my head on Connor's shoulder.

"It's not me who's about to-"

I gasped, cutting him off mid sentence.


I burst out blushing so hard my face was practically a large tomato, they all laughed at me, Connor had his hand on my waist and i was leaning against him, covering my face in his shoulder.

"So how about we go out tonight?"

Madison suggested.

"To a restaurant , and then maybe we can come back here and have a small gathering in the front garden?"

Sound's boring, I'd rather get fucked by Connor.

"Why don't we just stay at home and play bunch of games!"

I suggested sitting up leaning away from Connor.

"Games? You're litteraly five justin"

Connor said teasingly, I rolled my eyes and poked him in the side, how dare he?.

"Shut up"

The grown ups seemed to like the idea so at night we all sat down in the big ass living room, dad suggested to play truth or dare and spin the bottle but hell no, i ain't going to play with this dirty old man.
we ordered some food and enjoyed the night playing board games and listening to old stories, love stories , good and bad memories have been said, tears got shed and laughter was burst out, filling the once empty house.

"Thank you so much for this night, i haven't had this much fun husband died. Thank you"

She started to tear up, a small smile on her face Connor got up and went to sit down next to her , he held her and whispered things to her making her slowly calm down.
For the next two weeks the house was filled with laughter, joy, and alot of teasing from my father but we enjoyed their staying with us.

I laughed so hard and continued to go through the album,i let out another laugh to find Connor infront of me, he pointed at the album in my hand narrowing his eyes at it.

"What is that?"

He knew exactly what it was, i smirked and showed him the picture i was looking at.

"Look at how cute and chubby you were, gotta say i'm a fan of the sailor's outfit and the cute little tie"

I snickered,putting my palm on my mouth.

"You remember this day Connor? You slept in this and refused to take it off for three days, you were a fan of it, until you wet the bed while wearing it and you had to take it off"

His mother said making me laugh out loud ,he glared at me and snatched the album, i stood up going after it, trying my best to reach for it but he held his hand up in the air, i could hear his mother laughing.

"You guys keep on fighting over the album, im going to rest upstairs"

"Connor! Give it back!"

He shook his head, stepping away from me.

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