Chapter3- kiss.

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After maybe two hours of working and trying to figure everything out Mr black came into my office, without knocking.


He threw me a black backpack and leaned his shoulder on my door.

"Get your files in here and get up, we have some things to do can work on the files when you get to my house"

I took the bag and shoved the files inside and clsoed it, it was heavy but i managed to get it on and walk out of the office.

"Is it heavy?"

He asked, making it sound as if he was concerned.

"Yeah, very"

He nodded, a smile on his face


Then walked ahead of me, making  me follow him after whespering.


We got to the front of the building before he walked to a big black car that screamed rich and fancy, it was shining under the sun light, my car looked like garbage compared to this.. care looked like garbage compared to any other car..what's new?.

"Hey what about my car?"

He waved me off and proceeded to walk to his car.

"We're not taking that peice of junk..get in"

I rolled my eyes and got in his car, maybe I'll make him buy me another one, as a new condition of the deal.

"It's justin"

I said after we pulled out of the parking lot, barely mustering the courage to say those two words.


He asked, furrowing his brows in confusion.

"My name, isn't jeremy it's justin"

"Like it matter's to me"

He said, rolling his eyes, I nodded slowly feeling stupid for even talking to him about it , he drove and i was silent untill we reached a hill that has a big mansion on it. Of course. Typical rich bad guy house.

I got off and closed the passenger door behinde me and took a look at the outside of the mansion, it was was like thoes mansions that you see in Korean drama..he basically had a park around his house and it was along way from the gates untill the front of the was all around the house, surrounding it as if it was the white house..i felt like i was dreaming for a second, i snapped out of the trance I was in and walked to the door that he just opened using his key..a maid came rushing to him, she took his jacket off for him and bowed her head a little.

"Hello Me black, you're early today do you want something to eat?"


He shoved his hands into his pockets and walked upstairs and i just stood there, looking around with with mouth open, looking like a fool she looked at me and smiled.

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