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We exited the small kitchen and went back to the main office to find his desk turned into a dining table.

"Mom..why?? We could've gone out. you know i have a specific orgenization"

He said looking at his once organised desk that now was turned into a picnic spot.

"I know how busy you are son, and plus we can use the time we will spend on going out so i can catch up with you and know more about justin!"

His mom seemed nice..really nice and friendly, that made me get a little bit less nervous.

"Sit sit"

She ordered us so we did..she asked a bunch of questions and i answered them all,they were mainly personal and she didn't get that much into our 'relationship'.

"But connor..i didn't know that you were into boys"

She once again marked, waiting for an explanation, probably a romantic answer of how he found out.

"I'm into both genders"

He mumbled, poking his duck meat.

"And what are you going to do for tonight?!"

He sighed at her loud enthusiastic tone and looked up at her.


Before he could say more his mother clapped her hands together and spoke over him, this family had something for interrupting people while they are talking. Obviously.

"Good! No plans..because i booked a table for the three of us ..tonight at ten"

The look on her face, the warmth and happiness she was radiating, it made me smile and made Mr black sigh once more and give into what she wanted.

"That's ..great mom"

He said forcing a small smile.

"Yeah thank you Mrs black"

I spoke up, this time without my voice cracking. I should be rewarded for that.

"Madison justin it's madison"

She corrected and I nodded my head.

"Okay, madison"

Madison kept interrogating us till Conor finally had something else to do, he excused himself from the table, saying he had a meeting to go to, he got up and left but not before sending me a look that said "you better not fuck this up".
And now it's me and his mother. She's a funny woman, i had fun with her I'm not gonna lie..she didn't give a single hint that she was Mr black's mother..she gave that warm, friendly vibe..not like her son.

"Conner is moody right?"

She asked after a few moments of silence, that bright smile now was turned into a small, almost sad one.


She bowed her head and talked again now taking her tone to stab the food in her plate.

"He get's himslef into alot of work so he can hide his true emotions..since his father died he would always get nightmares ..he would break things sometimes and other times he refuses to eat-

As she looked up up me Her smile got bigger once again, hopeful almost

"but he told me that he eat's will ..with you!..and he said his mood got that true?"

She said wiping the tears that managed to leave her honey orbs, smiling at me and suddenly i felt bad for him and for her, for lying to such amazing woman.
I cleared my throat and nodded my head in agreement.

"Yeah.. he is alot better "

I felt even more bad to lie to her about such thing, apparently she was concerned over her son and i was lying to her about his well being.

"How is it like to live with him? Is he back to his old cuddles loving self?"

She asked with a small laugh, like she was remembering certain memories.

"Y- yeah he is"

Connor?? Mr black?? Cuddles?!..can't even imagine a serious man like him doing that..i always heared about him and saw him on tv..he's young, compared to what he did and doing still in business, he's what i'm looking forword to be one day what everyone aspires to be one day..soon enough his mother said she had to leave, she hugged me tight and stared inside my soul and smiled.

"Thank you so much justin for getting him out of there, i admite it's a bit crazy of me to make him marry somone so he can fall in love with but i- i was disperate and this was going on for too long now , but thank you"

"Y-you're welcome Mrs- i- i mean madison"

She smiled at me then left i took a deep breath and let it out as I sat on his desk waiting for him and thinking this over ..i don't want be part of this i don't want to cheat an old lady! , what if she find's out?! I'm gonna break her heart! It's going to get her emotionally killed ! But i-
My thoughts got interupted by the sound of the huge office door being opened, he closed it behinde him and kept looking at me in the eyes i kept staring back his but they were just..kinda scary so i looked away he started to walk towerd's me so i got down of the desk but soon he was infront of me, an ench away from my face.

"Listen to me carefully, mother is going to stay here for five months and she's going to be staying at my house and so are you .. in this five months period of time you'll be acting like you're the love of MY life and i'm gonna act like i'm yours, i'm allowed to kiss you and hug you whenever i want if my mother was watching ,same thing for you..we have to convince her that we're in love is our anniversary and you have to cancel whatever plans you have for tonight..but here? Oh you're gonna regret threatening me because you're going to be my personal assistant and i'm going to show you what hell look's everything i said understood?"

I swallowed the lump that was stuck in the middle of my throat and nodded.

"U- understood"

He backed away and shoved his hands into his pockets.


He sat on his chair and grabbed my file and started to read it all over again

"Your office is going to be right next to mine, the secretary will lead you there , now leave"

I nodded and left his office quickly, I closed the door behind me and slid on it  whispering a faint.


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