chapter15 -parents

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I don't know when I fell asleep but i did, i slept curled up on the floor, i got up looking around until i finally relaised where I was, I yawned and streched my sour muscles then started coughing, feeling my throat getting sore. Oh fuck. I slept with my wet clothes on.

I opened the door before i walked to his room to find it empty i searched through my clothes until i picked something comfortable to wear, i took a warm shower and dried my hair then decided to go to the kitchen and make myself something warm to drink, but before i could walk half way through the stairs i heard a loud thunder that made me squad and place my hands on top of my head, I looked out of the window, a frustrated sigh escaping my lips when I found out it was still raining.

"Good morning, justin"

I stodo up straight and looked at madison, giving her a nod.


I continued my way to the kitchen, her walking right beside me but we parted ways at the end, she took a left to the living room and I continued to the kitchen, making myself a hot cup of tea with honey, I sat down on the kitchen's island, dangling my feet off of it, swinging them back and forth as I drank my tea.


I jumped slightly, almost spilling my tea  I sighed and looked up at him, a frown on my face.

"What was that last night? My mom kept questioning me if we fought all night long because of you"

I sighed once again and took a sip from my tea

"I'm sorry"

We stayed silent for a few seconds until he spoke once again.

"What's wrong?"

I shook my head, taking another sip.

"Well, you're not yourself so there must be something wrong and you're going to tell me"

He stood infront of me and placed his index finger under my chin tilting my head up making me look up at him.

"What is it?"

It's you.
Before i could say anything rose brought me my phone making me look away from him.

"It was ringing"

I nodded and took it. I didn't see my phone since yesterday morning I opened the lock to find ALOT of texts and calls from my parents.

Mom:justin, how are you
1 missed call from mom
Mom:justin. We wanted to surprise you, so we decided to visit you!
Mom:send your father the location honey
2 missed calls from mom
3missed calls from mom
1 missed call from dad
4 missed calls from mom
2 missed calls from dad
Dad:kid, are you okay? Your mother is worried sick about you.
5 missed calls from mom
3 missed calls from dad
6 missed calls from mom
Dad:look's like it's going to rain, i hope you're okay wherever you are.
4 missed calls from dad
7 missed calls from mom
8 missed calls from mom
9 missed calls from mom
10 missed calls from mom
Mom calling.
I answered right away, the first thing i heard was a sigh of relief then-


Connor had a confused face drawn on, i think he heard her yelling but before i could say anything dad snatched the phone from her.

"Calm down honey"


I heard my mom yelling, my dad chuckled and spoke to me.

"Hello, justin"

"Hey, dad"

Connor mouthed 'is everything okay?' And i nodded at him and turned on the speaker and placed the phone on the palm of my hand between me and Connor.

"So, where have you been?"

"Well,'s that..ummm. i moved"

"Moved? Where?"

I eyed connor for a few seconds then looked down at my phone.

"Umm..i moved in with my boyfriend?"

He was silent for a second


"Where are you guys staying?"

"In a motel, they said the rain is going to stop soon"

"Good, i missed you guys"

"Where are we ummm..going to meet you?"


I didn't know what to say..i can't just invite them over to his house,I don't have the right.

"Hello Mr blake"

Connor spoke up after leaning down to the phone and i looked at him with wide eyes.


"I'm Connor black Mr blake, i'm justin's boyfriend. I'm sorry that we didn't get to meet earlier but i would love it if you and Mrs blake came over and spend the time you're staying with us, it would be great to meet you, my mother is in town these days so it's a perfect timing"

"Who is that?"

Mom asked after she heard the strange voice.

"Justin's boyfriend, justin moved in with him"


Mom practically yelled making me sigh.

"Let me handle this, honey"

"So? Mr blake?"

"We will be there after the rain storm pass"

"Can't wait to meet you two, justin talk's about you guys all the time"

"Okay, son."

My father hung up and connor stood straight and smiled at me.

"Your mother seem's nice"

I placed my phone down and hid my face behinde my hands.

"Oh god, she's going to kill me!"

"Who's going to kill you?"

Madison said walking in the kitchen

"Mom, justin's parents are going to pay us a visit"

"Amazing! I always wanted to meet your parents justin!"

She said clapping her hands togeather.. Yeah. Amazing.

"But who's going to kill you again?"

I sighed, running my fingers through my hair.

"My mother, because i never told them that me and Connor were dating"

"Oh, why?"

"I just..i was afraid"

I lied, feeling horrible that I had to lie even more.

"Afraid of what?"

"Of them not accepting us"

I lied again, my parents always knew that i'm gay and were fine with it.

"Oh. They will, all parents accept their kids no matter what, trust me"

She said while rubbing my back, I smiled at her and glanced down at my now cold cup of tea, i have to make another one.

By the time the storm passed, Sara was all packed up and was ready to leave and i couldn't be any happier, she hugged both of Madison and Connor but i didnt even get a decent goodbye, but I'm not even sad about it. Although she left, her words still rang in my head. As soon as the car she was in sped away from the parking lot a cab parked in and two grown ups walked out of it.
my parents.

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