chapter19-cuddles won't kill

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It was about..three hours into the party and i was very tired, i'm not used to being up for over twenty four hours and I already was feeling a little dizzy and a slight headache taking over my head.

i was standing beside him rubbing my temples while he was talking to another guest, after the older man walked away he looked down at me.

"Justin..are you okay? You're not used to being up for many hours"

I didn't look at him. I was too annoyed to, he was the one that made me stay up for all of these hours and now he wants to play nice?!.

"I'm fine"

I replied shortly, not sparing him a glance.

"Are you sure?"

I looked at him and repeated-


Through gritted teeth.

"It's time to go anyways ..blood shots"

Blood shots? I took my phone out and opened the camera.. sighing at the sight of my eyes being red and kind of puffy..great i look like a drug addict who's too broke to buy more drugs, so professional.

In the middle of us walking towards the grand door to exit the long party, Connor stopped, making me stop as well thinking that he forgot something inside, he smirked at me, making furrow my brows In confusion and slight fear, nothing good came from that smirk, he placed his hand on my shoulder and turned me around to face the guests, he pointed at a blond girl that I recognized as-

"Alexandra smith"

Then pointed his finger at another guest.

"James Fernandez"

Then at another one.

"Robby woods"

Then kept pointing at people and saying their names and how they gained their wealth..making my jaw drop slightly as i looked back at him.

" memorized all these names?"

"You didn't get it did you, blake..i know these people..i know their names, what they do and i remember all my deals..i didn't need you to reminde me"

He stood up straight and patted my shoulder giving me a wink after.

"But good job though"

He shoved his hands in his pockets carelessly and walked out.

I took a momment to take everything in..he's..HE'S A FUCKING DICK! I turned around and walked out to find him already in the car i glared at him but his smile only grew wider i walked around the car and got in after opening the door.

"Had fun at the party?"

At that time I was BOILING in anger.. I had a headache, I felt dizzy and sick, I stayed up for so much time and at the end it turns out to be a game for him?.

"Shut up"

He chuckled and drove back to the house.
When we got in our parents where gone, probably asleep in their rooms. I walked up the stairs and to Connor's room, i picked some comfortable clothes and took a warm relaxing shower, jumping on the bed the second I got out of the shower , it felt like I could sleep for eternity,
But before i can close my eyes Connor walked in wearing a white shirt and a grey sweatpants, drying his hair using a towel.

"Aren't you going to sleep?"

Yes i was mad at him but..look how cute he look's with his hair messed up and covering a little of his cute face ,he shook his head while looking at the mirror, continuing to dry his hair.

" haven't slept lately.. you're going back to not sleeping"

I said softly, my eyes falling close for a few seconds.

"I have alot of work to do. I'll sleep later"

I stayed silent for a few seconds then spoke again.

"Connor, you'll get sick and we talked about this"

"I need to finish some work"

I sighed and stretched my arms out, letting out a yawn.

"We will finish it in the morning"

He didn't respond..he placed his towel aside and started to walk toward's the door, ignoring what I said to him.


He stooped and looked at me, i stretched my arms out like a little baby, a tired smile on my face.

"Come here"

He looked at the door making me think that he was going to walk out and leave me to be embarrassed he sighed and looked at me, i could see that he wasn't so sure about what to do , leave or stay.

"I'm pretty sure that cuddles won't kill you, come on"

He chuckled and walked over to me, making me get excited, it was our first time cuddling.
He crawled on the bed and layed beside me, i immediately took my place near him, near him? I was cuddling up to him like a koala and had my head on his chest, sighing in relief after I found a comfortable position.

"Oh god you're so comfterable and warm"

He laughed a little, his laughter was music to my ears,And god i love music he stroked my hair a and i yawned..i was already half asleep and when he did that he made me want to fall asleep in that exact second.

"Please don't leave after i sleep"

I mumbled in a tired low voice.


"Pinky promise?"

I said lifting up my hand and raising my pinky making him chuckle.

"What are we? Five?"

I sat up and looked at him with a dramatic shocked face.

"Don't you dare and disrespect the pinky promise! Its the only type of promises you're not allowed to break!"

He chuckled at my childishness and wrapped his finger around mine.

"Pinky promise"

We looked in each other's eye for a few seconds before mine slowly started to close i laid my head once again on his chest Then smiled and fell into deep sleep.


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