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3rd POV.

Justin has been dragging himself to work ever since Connor changed his position, he tried to accept it for some time but after alot of trying he simply gave up, he has to start getting over Connor, he realised that he can't do that if he kept seeing him everyday so he decided to stay at home, Drown himself in sadness, ice cream and Junk food.


Green orbs mumbled after stretching his arms out, he got out of bed and started dragging his feet downstairs, heading to the kitchen to get another load of snacks, he was passing by his small living room when he heard intense knocking on the door that made him jump.

"Justin! Open the door we need to talk!"

Said male's face flushed red, he can't see Connor now! He will burst out in tears for sure.

"G- go away!"

He yelled, walking closer to the door, leaning his back on it.

"Look, I'm sorry! I'm really sorry for everything but specially for being a coward! I didn't tell you to stay because I got scared that you will reject me! I didn't tell you how i felt about you because I was scared that you wouldn't be feeling the same! But.."

Connor leaned his forehead on the door, sighing afterwards as his voice got more quiet.

"I won't blame you, if you didn't feel the same way..I mean..who would be able to love a person like me?"

He chuckled bitterly before pushing himself off of the door.

"I need to talk to you, I need to hear you say it, that you don't love me and that I should get lost and forget all about you, open the door, please I'm begging you"

Just a second later, the door flung open and connor got engulfed in a big tight hug.

"I love you! I love you so much! For fuck sake I fell for you the second I saw you, idiot!"

Justin yelled, sobbing into Connor's shoulder, both of them felt warmth, relived and in place.

"Then why didn't you tell me?"

Justin pulled away, narrowing his eyes at Connor who chuckled then pulled Justin back to him.

"Yeah yeah I got it, I was mean I'm sorry"

After justin was done sobbing he pulled away,  and smiled at Connor.

"You look horrible, you have under eye bags, your hair is a mess and you smell..funny"

Needless to be said that Connor had to fight Justin to let him walk into the small apartment after his mean remarks about Justin's appearance.

Currently, the happy couple were cuddling on Justin's small couch, justin was practically on top of Connor since the couch couldn't fit both of them but, neither of them was complaining..they had a quiet, warm cuddling session that included Justin's funny smell as well..he missed Connor too much to go take a shower and leave him untouched like that in the apartment.

Fast forward three months later, Justin finally moved back into Connor's place, for good this time, he had his own section in the walk-in closet and could finally consider this his home.

"And these..are all due today"

Justin said after slapping down 6 files of unfinished work that had a deadline today, he sat criss cross on the bed, watching his boyfriend panic always amused him.

"Aren't you going to help me? It's your job"

The older said, looking at his boyfriend who was sipping on his Starbucks drink so calmly while he was all over the place.

"I did my job and I belive that my shift is over-"

He looked down at his watch then nodded his head.

"Indeed, okay! I'll see you at home baby, bye bye"

He quickly jumped off the desk,gave Connor a kiss on the cheek then ran out of the Office, not caring for his boss was calling his name.
It became like that, Connor and justin would often mix work with pleasure, they still get revenge off of each other and tease each other endlessly which only makes their relationship even more exciting, but..what could be more exciting than falling in love with your Boss?.

The end.

(Yes, I had to include the book's name as the last word)

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