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It hurt's it hurt me on the first day and on the second and even a week later, it hurt' hurt's to be ignored and it hurt's to be hit with cold attitude and it hurt's to be ghosted. And i've had ENOUGH. I bolted into his office to see him there, sitting on his desk, a pen in his hand and a stack in front of him, he gave me a mere glance, a stoic stiff expression was drawn on his face his attention turned back to the papers infront of him,i closed the door behinde me and walked to him, more like..stomping my way over to him like an angry child.

"Get out. I have work to do"


He lifted his head up slowly and looked into my eyes.


His voice was cold and stiff as he crooked an eyebrow at me.

"Yes, i mean no i-"

"I said get out"

He said in a steady voice and looked down at his papers like i was boring him.


"It's Mr black for you"

Black? I thought we got somewhere way beyond that.

"Why are you being so cold to me ? Why are you ignoring me? And shutting me out?"

I said standing infront of the desk he was signing his papers on.

"I'm acting the way i should have acted ,i shouldn't have let my guards down and let a stranger in my life"

My heart felt like it got ripped out of it's place. hurt's so bad.

"A stranger? Connor it's me..i'm your..your friend"

I bit my tounge to stop the word 'boyfriend' from slipping out and replaced it with 'friend'.

"I don't have friends"

He said signing a paper and putting it away.

"What's wrong with you?"

I said getting closer to him and kneeling beside him, placing my hand on his knee.

"Look me in the eyes and say that again"

"I don't have to"

I sighed and placed both of my hands on the sides of his face and made him look at me in the eyes.

"Get your hands off of my face or i will rip them off"

He said in sternly making my eyes go wide but i'm wasn't scared of him, no..i'm just shocked that the old Connor was back.

"You should understand that i'm not afraid of you no more Connor and i won't leave this room unless you tell me what the fuck is wrong with you why are you doing this to me?"

I said staring into his brown eyes.

"Doing what?"

"Being so cold to me"

He took a few seconds then talked once again.

"Do you care?"

"Yes! Of course i do!"

I said quickly, nodding my head.


My gaze scattered across the room then fell on his eyes, because i'm in love with you.

"Because you're my friend and i care about you and you're special to me , it hurt's me to see you acting like this toward's me"

He seemed to think about it for a seconds and then nodded.

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