Chapter4- Boyfriend

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After a Ten minutes drive we reached a fancy restaurant called Moñor, as soon as we walked in the receptionist motioned us to sit in this table next to the window, there was a long line infront of her desk but she ignored everyone and waited untill we sat down before walking away.
another girl-the waiter i figured- walked to us with a smile on her face.

"Hello Mr black"

She said as she handded him the menu smiling ..i mean drooling over him.

"The usual"

He mumbled, seeming bored like per usual, She nodded and wrote down his usual, it was his mother's turn to order,she chose what she wanted then it was up to me now, I was very nervous, well..I'm nervous all the time yes i admit it but..this time it was a different kind of nervous, it was almost..embarrassed, I was embarrassed that I did not know any of the dishes in the menu, and the prices kept distracting me even more,a few seconds later he leaned in close to my ear.

"I know you haven't eaten in such fancy place and don't know anything , i will order for you"

I could hear the smirk in his voice, I could tell that he was enjoying this, making me feel humiliated.
I felt angry and disrespected, i clenched my teeth and didn't say a word, I only nodded..he kissed my cheek and smiled then sat up straight he order for me before the girl went away.

"So! How's life with you two?..tell me everything about you guys and how you handle living togeather?!"

She said in her usual excited voice, God, she made me feel more guilty each second that pass by.

"Its, amazing mom"

He said in a formal tone then nodded at her, she rolled her eyes and waved him off, then adjusted in her seat, obviously planning to turn to me. Here we go.

"Of course that's all you're going to say..justin you tell me"

She turned to me with a grin on her face.

Mr Black looked at me then back at his mother.

"well, Mr- i mean..Connor isn't as tough as he look's first i was terrified to even go out with him but he practically begged me to..and after getting to know him i started to feel safe around's amazing how he can show that he's tough from the oustide but he's a little snuggly baby on the inside"

I said trying not to make my smirk very obvious, trying to hide it with a smile instead, he held my hand that was on top of the table and squeezed it tightly making me feel pain ,i think he got a little angry, good that's what you get for saying shit to me.
i pulled my hand away and scratched the back of my neck then made it like I'm trying to fix my tie.
We kept on talking..teasing each other in every sentence each of us say, the funny thing that his momther thought we were playing so she laughed at it, seeming quite amused.

After a while, we both calmed down from the continues teasing and just enjoyed the great food, when I was almost done with my food I saw him in the corncer of my eye,touching his jacket, I looked over at him to see him taking out a red velvet box from his pocket and gave me a smile while I on the other side, choked on my food and gulped down some water quicklyhe got the ring out of the red box and was going to make me wear it but i stood up, making him furrow his brows in confusion while looking up at me.

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