chapter14 -beautiful girls vs me

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Well, it was a long night. after we sat down she started to tell him everything that happened in their home town while he was gone. Literally. At the middle of her ranting we heard a strong sound. Followed by a light.Look's like it's going to rain
She jumped and almost sat on connor's lap in a dramatic way of course. She squeezed between us and forced his arm off of my waist, i rolled my eyes and scooted further away, my gaze went to the window, i saw trees branches swaying right and left along with the wind. I smiled and got up, heading to the door.

"Where are you going, justin?"

Madison asked i looked at her and smiled childishly.


Before she could say anything else i walked out of the sitting room and out of the house, i stood in the middle of the too perfectly made front lawn, the cold wind slapped my face and it was getting stronger, i held my head high and looked up Admiring the lightning, straight lines, twisted lines, and finally a water drop fell on my forehead i smiled and looked forward closing my eyes, the water drops falling was slow at first but after a little it got harder.

"You enjoying this?"

I jumped and placed my hand on my heart before my head turned toward's him.


He laughed a little, i rolled my eyes and tried to punch his arm but he stepped aside

"Too slow,blake"

I rolled my eyes and focused my gaze up once again, then slowly closed my eyes again i smirked and talked again.

"You're gonna get sick,conny"

"Don' me that,I rather be sick than staying inside with her"

I chuckled and opened my eyes before i turned and looked at him.

"She'll never go outside , she'll be too afraid to ruin her hair"

He chuckled and nodded his head.


We fell in silence after that until he broke it.

"What's up with the raining storms addiction"

I chuckled and shook my head, running my hand through my hair.

"I autumn..i feel like..rain could wash away all your worries and all your stress away"

"Worries? What do you have to worry about"

I shrugged, not wanting to tell him the real reason to why I'm stressing.

"Ummm..worried about my parents, how are they doing without me"

And also worried that this crush on you is getting deeper, worried that you won't feel the same way, worried that i'll be broken at the end.

"You don't talk to them much"

"Yeah, i've been to busy lately, i drifted away a little"

"CONNY! You're going to get sick honey! Come inside!"

I looked back at her then at connor a smirk on my face.

"You heared the lady, conny"

He chuckled and walked behinde me. He stood there for a momment then his arms creeped around my waist before he pressed my back to his chest


I chuckled , jealousy was clear in her voice, i placed my hands on his that were on my stomach and leaned back on him.

"I don't think she's over you"

"What? Nooo"

I giggled and just enjoyed every second of him being close to me. I looked up at his face, he was looking forward the lightning was hitting on his face every now and then making his face light up, i placed my hand on his cheek ,he looked down at me and i stared at every beautiful detail that was drawn on his face. I tip toed and closed the gap that was between our lips and closed my eyes, after two seconds or so we both heared the front door being closed shut with a thud, he pulled away right after.

"She's pissed, good job blake"

Job. I nodded and pushed myself out of his grip then ran my hand through my hair once again.

"Boys! Rose made you some hot chocolate !"


I jumped and ran half way but stopped and looked back at connor when i didn't see him following,he was smiling at me making me smile back at him.

"Let's go!"

He didn't move so i went back and grabbed his hand and dragged him inside. I took off my shoes and ran to the kitchen to find sarah sitting on one of the chairs that were around a table in the kitchen. I smiled awkwardly at her but she didn't bother to smile back, she glared at me and looked away with her arms crossed over her chest. I walked further and sat on the counter.

"You're going to mess the counter up! Get down!"

She yelled at me making me flinch.

"But- it's just rain"

Rose handed me the hot chocolate and i gladly took it, smiling at her.

"Thank you, Rose"

She nodded and left the kitchen without glancing at Sara, she probably ran away so she won't get in trouble with the brat.

"You're such an animal"

I looked at her, furrowing my brows.


"What? Now you can't hear? Did rain get in your ugly ears?"


She intrupted me and stood up then walked to stand infront of me, glaring at me intensely.

"You know that connor is going through a phase, he's just confused. He has always been and allways will be straight you hear me justin?"

I bit my lip, this reminded me of a certain memory that happened a few years ago when I was in high school.

"Can you even imagine danny being friends with you? Let alone boyfriend! He's going through a phase, he's just confused! He has always been and always will be straight ,justin. You're getting played, danny will come back to me eventually!"

"No that's not true Elizabeth! , he's in love with me! He like's boys too!"

I remembered her pushing me against the lockers,yelling in my face.

"He will never like you, even if he does like boys,he will never like a loser like you"

I remember her flipping her golden hair in my face then walking away. At the end.. she was right. Danny was in a phase because after a week he broke up with me and i was the joke of the whole school.
My eyes got watery as i jumped off of the counter, i placed the hot chocolate down and speed walked out of the kitchen and up to the stairs i met Connor half way, he was running his hand through his hair with new dry clothes on, i couldn't make eye contact with him, i just walked up past him


I didn't stop. I walked faster to my home office and locked the door behinde me, i slid against the door and stared forward, hugging my knees close to my chest.
Maybe she's right. Maybe connor isn't even bisexual, maybe he will get back with her? Maybe i'll be forgotten after the six months are over.
I had to face it. When it was me vs beautiful girls...
I'm the one who's going to lose.

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