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Stepping out of the shower, I put on one of Elijah's sweaters and a pair of sweatpants before slowly walking downstairs to find Elijah and possibly Nik. I know Elijah probably wanted to come back up and explain to me about his other family members that I am going to be meeting, but I can't be by myself right now. Leads to thinking, which leads to dark places. Which leads to panic attacks and getting stuck in my head. I hate being stuck in my own head. It happened a lot when was with Uncle John. He did it on purpose, let his vampires mess with my head. The ones who didn't got in trouble, beaten, experimented on more. Shaking my head clear of those thoughts and memories I followed voices to where I assume everyone is. I stopped in the doorway because they all looked angry and 'Jah looked exhausted like he was mad at himself. Probably told them about HIM and the pack, the last bit of stuff that happened to me. Nik looked like he was going to do something without thinking it through. I quickly walked up to him from behind and wrapped my arms around him. He froze. 

"Little fox?"

"You're going to do something stupid in your rage haze." 

"No, I am not." 

"You always do something stupid when you're enraged." 

"No, I do not." 


"You do Klaus, however, you  never really listen to reason."-'Lijah

Nik just sighed in defeat and his body untensed. He patted my arms when he was done with the hug. I backed off and promptly plopped into Elijah's lap. 

"Hi." I said looking at him. 

"Hello." 'Jah said smiling before kissing my forehead. I turned toward the other two occupants of the room. 

"I'm Stiles."  I said looking at them, expecting them to introduce themselves. The blonde girl seemed to understand the memo. 

"Rebekkah." She hummed in response. 

"Kol." the boy followed up with. 

"Nice to meet you." I said with a smile. I like getting to know more about 'Lijah. He doesn't tell me much because he doesn't want me to leave to possibly get frightened. Though it does go two ways. I never told him about my past. he only knows my life in Beacon Hills, not the one I lived in Mystic Falls with my parents or with Uncle John.  

They looked like they wanted to ask questions, but weren't sure if they should. Something that didn't seem normal for the two, especially with the way Kol was literally holding his tongue with his teeth. 

"What?" I asked causing everyone to stare at me. 

"You clearly have something to say." 

"Why would you stay with those wolves if they treated you so poorly? Why let them treat you like that?"-Kol


I hit him in the chest. 

"It's fine." I said at the same time Kol exclaimed, 

"He asked!"

"I stayed because if they lashed out at me, they didn't lash out at the younger pups."

"Younger pups?"-Rebekkah

"Uh yeah, Isaac and Liam." 

"Isn't Isaac the same age as you?"- Nik

"Physically. His dad was abusive locked him in a chest freezer in the basement. Made him severely claustrophobic. Terrified most of the time even though he tried not to show it. Yelling freaking him out and when Scott started to get the' I'm a True Alpha ' complex he used his Alpha voice I guess and caused Isaac to cower away, normally into me." 

"And Liam?"-Kol

"He's a couple of years younger than me. He's Scott's first and only Beta. Only wolf Scott's ever turned to my knowledge, anyway. But he has IED and it's hard to get him to stay in control of his wolf. Even now. HE runs solely on emotions more often than not. He looked to Scott for guidance but never received any, mainly because Scott lacks the patience to train Liam. This chimera got into Liam's head, used his IED, and got him to practically kill Scott. Got real close to it. Liam felt awful and Scott never forgave him." 

"This Scott was he aware of the manipulation."-Nik


"And yet still didn't forgive him."-Rebekkah. I nodded

"I get the feeling that's what Scott did to you."-Elijah

"Twice." I muttered but they heard me. 

"Okay, changing the subject."Rebekkah stated gaining my attention

"What would you like to do today?"

"Can I go see Elena and Jeremy?" I asked turning towards 'Lijah.

"Sure, just let me get dressed.: 

"You are dressed, silly." 

"He's got to put on his suit."-Bekkah


"To look presentable."

"You always look presentable, so why can't you wear what you are wearing now?"

"Because all anyone has ever seen him wear is suits and he feels like it doesn't make him seem serious without it."-Nik

"Oh, but that's just part of your personality," I said staring back at Elijah. I really didn't want him to put on a suit. I prefer this Elijah. 

Elijah just sighed and gave into me

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Elijah just sighed and gave into me. He won't be putting on a suit. 


We've been driving for a day and a half. Practically on instinct. I can still feel the pack bond with Stiles. Weak, yes but still there. I wasn't there when they kicked him out. I came back to discover that under Deaton's guidance they kicked him out and placed him in Eichen House, especially after Lydia almost died in there. 

"Derek?" Liam whimpered sitting in the back. More like laying, I realized as I glanced in the rearview mirror seeing him taking up most of the back seat with his head in Isaac's lap. He looks miserable and sick. Another development we discovered when we left. The further we get from Bacon Hills, the worse Liam gets. It's because Scott is Liam's Alpha, the one who bit him. The bond breaking is affecting him the most. HE hasn't started coughing up black goo yet, but I'm not suling it out. We have to get him to a new Alpha or Stiles because I know Liam and Isaac saw him more like an Alpha. Even when I was Isaac's Alpha. 

"Yeah, pup?" I asked glancing back at him again. 

"How do you know where to go?" 

"Instinct I guess." 

"But how?" 

"I still faintly feel my pack bond with Stiles." 


"Uh, I guess because I wasn't involved when Scott made the decision vocally," I stated. 

Technically I'm not 100% a part of Scott's pack anyway. I never submitted to him. I only stuck around for Isaac, Liam, and Stiles. Isaac and Liam nodded in understanding before Liam groaned in pain. 

"Anyway, you're able to tell how far away we are?" Isaac asked glancing at Liam taking some of his pain. 

"Unfortunately no," I answered as I stepped on the gas wishing I was more helpful. 

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