16: Interlude II part I

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Trigger Warning: Includes/mentions some nonconsensual actions


Having a breakthrough in the relationship I have with my brother is interesting. He told me something from his past that I had no idea about. His relationship with Stiles, Elena, and Jeremy's older brother, is an interesting one as well. He took on an almost older brother role for the kid. Said Stiles reminded him of me in some ways. Ways that make me curious, because I know to take Elena's opinion on the matter of Stiles with a grain of salt. She swears that whatever relationship he has with the Originals is a bad idea. Where, in my personal opinion, I think Stiles has some sort of understanding of them.  I think he's able to make the Mikaelson family understand/remember things from when they were human. Before they were turned. But of course, with Elena, anything involving that family of vampires is a plan to kill her. She even tried her hardest to convince Stiles that Klaus only became a Hybrid by doing everything in his power to complete a ritual that involved killing her. That he constantly is attempting to end her life. A ritual that never happened, mind you.  When Klaus showed up already a Hybrid it was a surprise, no one truly understood how that could have happened. Now, I think Stiles had something to do with it. 

Protecting his family.

But, back to my point, with Damon opening up about what happened when meeting Stiles I noticed that he left out some details about himself. He focused mostly on talking about Stiles. Sure he mentioned briefly about experiments and starving, but only truly on Stiles emotions. Not his own and I know that this is one of those events that definitely did a number on Damon. He was strained when talking about it. Almost clipped his sentences and stamped down on some of his straying emotions if his words started to go towards anything about himself in that situation. It makes me want to help my brother. He's attempted to help me before screwing me over. But I'm wondering if that has to do with things he won't talk about as well. I mean, hell Damon was vulnerable during that conversation. Showed some insecurities, something Damon refuses to show anyone ever. And honestly, I just want to be there for my brother now. Want him to realize that I'm here if he needs me. To even just listen. He doesn't have to look at me, we can just talk. I know he probably will never write his thoughts, emotions, and feelings down in a journal like I've done since we were human. A way to organize my thoughts on paper is a weakness/evidence to Damon. I think he might be afraid of someone finding his journals and using them against him. 

Probably because he's done that to me a few times over the years.


I blink out of my thoughts seeing Elena standing in front of me. 


This is also a recurring "theme." Elena will do anything in her power to keep Damon or me from thinking for too long. I wonder if she's afraid if we think too long we'll lose interest in her.

Which I'm sure Damon already has and he's just playing nice at this point. 

Elena plopped into my lap, uninvited. My body tensed up. Sometimes, past feelings/situations with Katherine bleed into the present atmosphere with Elena. The resemblance between the two should have been the blaring red flag for me to stay away, which obviously didn't work. 

Elena keeps shifting in my lap trying to rile me up. I'm not in the mood for this. I'd rather be having a conversation with Damon. The opening "soul-barring" kind, like the last conversation we had but a little bit more intense. You know where he finally opens up. It's rare when we even have a normal conversation that does not involve Elena's issues or planning a murder of some kind. But that last conversation Damon and I had, where he opened up to me, I felt like I was starting to get my brother back. 

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