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 With a bit of herbs the Mikaelson's had and Klaus' blood I was able to get a healing sludge (I mean it's what it looks like, but I guess I could call it tonic) together. I had Nik hold Liam's head back as I poured the tonic down his throat. It should begin working immediately. It's hard to tell because Liam isn't awake and I don't know how long he'll be unconscious for. I do know we need to clean him up, that way it'll be easier to tell if the color of his skin warms up. I relayed this to Nik who carefully brought Liam upstairs, probably to his room. 

"Stiles?" I turned my head to Rebekah. 

"How did you know to do that with the herbs?"

"Some of it was from Deaton and some from my family. I remember my parents forcing me to read about different herbs and plants to have, I guess, a basic knowledge. I remember learning it with Jeremy. He of course was under the guise of it being boy scouts." 

She nodded satisfied with the answer and Elijah wrapped me up in a hug from behind. 

"You did good Renna. Take a breather, relax. I'm sure your friends don't want to smell so much anxiety when they arrive." 

"I can't help it 'lijah. Scott's become this awful person. I was okay with him acting that way to me, pushing me away. But the thought of him doing it to Liam. His first and only beta he bit/turned. A kid who looks up to him. Looks to him for guidance. To treat him like crap. That's how he losses trust. Then doing it to Isaac. Isaac might be the same age as us but he's been abused practically his whole life by his father. He locked him in a chest freezer. Caused him to become claustrophobic. To treat Isaac like crap. Like he's no better than the dirt on his shoe. To treat him like fucking property. Makes me sick to my stomach. 

"You have a big heart Stiles. It's how you survived the Nogtistune and Scott. Probably how you survived being a Gilbert and getting out of Mystic Falls. It's what drew me to you in the first place." Lijah whispered in my ear. Rebekah made a gagging motion as she drug Kol out of the room after her. 

"Seems it's just us now Renna." He hummed in my ear. I just giggled taking in his touch, breath, and his scent. I've missed him. I've missed this. His way to always calm me down. His sweet words. 

"I missed you." I breathed out relaxing more into his arms closing my eyes." 

"I missed you too Renna." he responded in the same tone kissing my forehead and we just stayed in the silence of our peaceful moment. 

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