18: Interlude II part 3

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Trigger Warning: inclusion/mentions of nonconsensual actions/rape and potentially offensive language


What is going on with everybody? It's like they're avoiding me because I'm "the bad guy". It's seriously annoying. 

I stopped by the boarding house earlier thinking maybe I could get Damon on my side and then Stefan would follow suit. Walking into the house I passed Stefan in the foyer who was sitting there lost in his thoughts. Something he's been doing a lot lately. Worrying himself about something probably insignificant compared to the bigger picture.

The Originals.

Deciding to deal with Stefan later, since my main focus was Damon so I headed upstairs. There is something addicting about messing with his emotions. However, it's the only way to get him to be good. 

Like Stefan. 

I mean there's a reason why everyone prefers Stefan to Damon. Just saying.

When I got to his door, I went to open it only to find it locked. 

That's strange. 

"Damon?" I called hoping he'd realize his mistakes. 

Instead, I could hear muffled sounds of a struggle, maybe, on the other side of the door. Panic filled me briefly and I began knocking and calling his name. The only answer I got in return was a high-pitched hitching moan. 

Oh, he's got a poor girl in there with him. Compelled probably. I hate how he plays these women, uses them to get his favorite taste of blood. The orgasmic type.

I huffed walking away. I guess I'll see what I can do to get Stefan out of his funk and on my side. 


Nothing happened at the boarding house. They both were acting like I wasn't in the room. When I left angry and in need of speaking with someone I called Caroline. Ranting over the phone, but hoping to meet at the Grill. 

She's busy with Tyler.

Bonnie has something tying her up. 

Getting home Jeremy and Alaric were out. 

I really don't want to be around Matt right now. 

So I'm left by myself. I guess I'll figure out how to deal with the Originals and get Stiles back on my own. 


"Spit it out." 


Stefan startled at my voice. 

We've been sitting in silence since my announcement. Stefan has questions, but he doesn't want to offend me. 

"I know you have questions. I will do what I can to answer them. Trust me, I'll let you know if you've gone too far."

He nodded. 

"How did you figure it out?" 

That wasn't the question I was expecting. I mean I've thought of ones along those lines, but not flat out asking. 

Is he trying to figure it out himself?

"I was probably about 11 when I first realized I wasn't feeling normal things about other boys. It was little things at first. 

Staring a little too long. 

The increased heart rate when around a cute boy.

The nervous sweats. 

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