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Compelling my way though, I finally found Stiles. He was strapped down to his bed thrashing around in frantic unconsciousness. Tears were streaming down his face and his breathing was increased. I held my breath as to not choke on the fear that filled the room. Moving quickly, I removed the restraints and picked him upright when he was about to scream. 


 That gained a reaction. His hands clutched onto my suit jacket.

"'Jah?" He whispered pressing his face into my neck.

"It's me, Renna. I'm getting you out."

He nodded still out of it kissing my neck.

All will be well Little one, I promise. 


Let me in Stilesss. Let me in. Chaos is coming once again. You know you enjoyed it. Let me in Stilesss. Let me in . LET ME IN!!!!!

Wake up Stiles. Come on. Wake up, it's just a dream. Wake up. WAKE UP!!!!


'Lijah? My hands fisted the expensive material of one of his suit jackets. My breathing began to slow as I pressed my face into his neck. 


"It's me, Renna. I'm getting you out." 

I began to cry kissing his neck. I'm safe. I'm finally safe.


 *3rd person pov*

Breaking News! Eichen House has undergone a complete lockdown after one of its most deranged inhabitants escaped. It is best that all of Beacon Hills be on the lookout for this individual.  

Streamed across Beacon County on all the TVs and radio stations alerting the residents and the pack that Elijah Mikaleson had succeeded in breaking out Stiles. An individual they used to know or that they thought they knew until the Nogitsune. Even then, they tried to give him the benefit of the doubt but he lost them when he killed Donavan. A chimera that was out to kill him personally. The chimera even took a chunk out of his shoulder. He has the scar to prove it. Not been vampire blood can heal it. A shock to Elijah and Stiles. The pack pushed Stiles away on a technicality and on Scott's morals of killing is wrong, even in self-defense. They believed a stranger they welcomed with open arms into the pack over a human member of Scott's pack. A human they knew their entire lives.  A boy Scott knew his entire life.  But he let his morals rule over judgment and the distancing began. 


I shut the Tv off and chaos ensued. Scott was growling and shouting at anyone in the pack who would listen to his hissy fit. 

And he's our Alpha- a True Alpha to boot ~sigh~

Isaac and Liam cowered into me at the loudness and the pure Alpha bloodlust Scott was radiating. Deaton was the one who drove it home, the decision to kick Stiles out of the pack. I think it's because he's afraid of the hyperactive spaz. Scott still had doubts about it until Lydia and Theo put their two cents in, even after knowing how Eichen House is. It must've scared them more when they realized who his boyfriend is. A vampire and a Mikaelson to boot. I ushered the two pups clinging to me outside to my Camaro. 

"Derek?"  Isaac whispered in confusion closing in on his own shaking form.

"We are leaving." 

"Where?" Liam asked with big teary eyes. 

"Anywhere but Beacon Hills."

"What about Scott?"

"Liam, do you actually want to stay in Scott's pack? Isaac? I mean seriously, look at how he treated his best friend, his brother."

Isaac shook his head no promptly hopping in the car, probably feeling the pack bonds already breaking like I was. Liam sighed heavily after a beat having weighed the options set in front fo him silently in his head. 

"I guess even though he turned me, he has been pushing me away too. I don't get ti." He felt rejected by his alpha. I understand, that's how Laura made me feel after the fire. 

"I think it's because of Deaton, Lydia, and Theo getting in his head." I voiced as we climbed in the car and began driving.

"I can see that." Isaac hummed

"Can we go find Stiles then, please," Liam whispered. I nodded to him and I know how he feels. I didn't want Stiles out of the pack, he was more Alpha than Scott. 

 Don't tell him I said that

Plus, he was the one who came up with most of the plans. The plans that worked. 

"Let's go find our hyperactive spaz," I stated. 

"And his boyfriend." Isaac chimed in giggling softly. 

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