21: Interlude III

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Trigger Warning: Illudes to talk/thoughts of depression/anxiety


Stiles seemed out of it all day. 

Cuddly. Wanting to stay close. 

A side of him he hasn't shown since I brought him back. Something I thought we'd be dealing with immediately. Though now I think it's finally hitting him. That he's not in Beacon Hills. He's not running for his life every day. He's not left alone with his thoughts 24/7.

However, he did tell me that it still takes the forefront in his brain most of the time. He needs up with many bad days.

Today, Stiles said it was one of his bad days. I wonder if being in the house for days on end, barely going outside factored in.  So I suggested he might try leaving the house. He can decide how long and what he wants to do. I just want to help in any way I can. 


I just left Stiles at the Grill. He decided that he'd like to meet up with Jerey. Have a conversation, assumedly, about Stiles' past. I'm sure Jeremy wondered what had happened to his big brother. Wondered how he differed from Elena. 

I'm just nervous. Elena didn't have a great reaction to seeing Stiles. She immediately went to compulsion. She thought Klaus and I had gotten in his head. Had used him for information, because how could he "not care" that their parents died, that Jenna died, that Klaus "tried" to kill her? I don't know all the details of Stiles' past, just what happened in Beacon Hills, but him being gone probably had something to do with it. 

I know Jeremy responded well to seeing his brother, but still, I worry about the possibility of a trap. Or some scheme to harm him. He's been through a lot while in Beacon Hills and he doesn't need any more trauma. He hasn't been able to process all of it yet. 



I can only hear gasping breaths on the other end. 

Something's wrong. 




Nothing except harsher gasps and slight choking noises. 

"I'm coming, Renna," I hung up running to the Grill. 

When I got there Stiles was standing outside, eyes unfocused. Unable to get air into his lungs. Panicking. 

"Renna?" I spoke getting closer to him so I could place my hands on his shoulders. 

What happened?


I spoke again before kissing him. Trying to "reset" his breathing. It seemed to work and he collapsed into my hold. 

"That bad?"

"No. Elena showed up and some of the comments she made reminded me of Scott."

Of course, Elena found a way to join the conversation. Trying to use it for her own advantage. 

I sighed wrapping Stiles up in a hug holding him as he gripped tight at my clothes. 

If Elena's not careful her life will blow up in her face and she'll have no one to blame except herself. 

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