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Trigger Warning: mentions of trauma


Did all that really happen?

Did Stiles have his childhood ripped away? 

I know there is more he's not saying and maybe that's because Elena is being an ass. She's trying to poke holes in his story. Trying to discredit his trauma. 

Six years! He was going through all that for six years!

And Elena has the gall to call bullshit? Fuck off.

"Elena..." I tried to chide her when she started yelling about how his "story" is bullshit and asking about witnesses and proof.  

My eyes unfocused slightly and I looked just past Stiles to see Enzo standing behind him. Hand on his shoulder. 

(A/N: when you see Bold italics  it'll be Enzo speaking to Jeremy)

Don't try to Calm Elena. She's going to have to believe it on her own. I had been there for a few years before John brought in Stiles. He was a terrified six-year-old when I met him. Constantly crying because he wasn't sure how else to express his emotions. He'd flinch at the other vampires starved out of their minds reaching for the warm blood they could hear and smell. 

John never let us desiccate, he just wanted to make us "crazy" for the child. His blood. Mind you, this is a six-year-old who had no idea about vampires or the supernatural world at the time. So he just saw monsters. Monsters trying to eat him.

That must've been terrifying for Stiles. I wonder how he got out. 

"No. Do you have anyone to even back this up? I know Uncle John wasn't the best most trustworthy person, but experimenting on vampires? A secret that you compare to Mom and Dad being some form of hunters. And then saying Aunt Jenna had a secret?! Ha! Laughable. She didn't have a dark secret."

Didn't she keep the fact that you're adopted/Uncle John's kid a secret?

"First of all, yes she did.  She knew how Uncle John was. Knew about what he'd do to me and she still let it happen. Even while she was dating him."

"She would've known about vampires already then. She would've commented on it when I found out." 

"Compulsion. Probably." 

Honestly, Elena, just drop it. You're not going to win. 

"Stop changing the subject. What witnesses do you even have for this?"

"Enzo and...." 

He paused. Why is Stiles hesitating on the second person?

Damon Salvatore. 

Damon and I were the closest to Stiles while in our cages. We didn't wish to drink from him. We suffered all kinds of punishments to try and protect that boy. Stiles was 8 when I was able to help Damon escape. He almost didn't, not wanting to leave Stiles there. I knew Stiles wasn't going to make it out just yet. Too young. Too weak at the time. Even though I wanted him to leave, he still needed to get stronger. He was sick at this point too. Not entirely sure with what though it was most likely a cold. I told Damon to come back in four years. That Stiles would be ready to leave in four years. 

"And who?" 



"Ask him, Elena. Enzo and Damon got me out of that cave. They saved me." 

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