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I got off the phone with Stiles and glanced back at Isaac and Liam. Liam's mate is Klaus Mikaelson, the Hybrid. Hopefully, he can get to us in time. I just got to keep driving I guess. Look for signs directing me to Mystic Falls. 


"It's alright Liam, your mate is on his way." 

"My Mate?"

"Yeah. They're rare, bound normally between supernatural creatures. Since you're a werewolf now, you are able to feel your mate and the bond."


"Klaus Mikaelson," I said glancing back as Liam scrunched his eyebrows confused. 

"You called him the Hybrid when you were on the phone with Stiles."-Isaac

"Yes because he is both vampire and werewolf. Specifically a type A werewolf." I explained. Isaac hummed in response tending more to Liam who is slowly losing focus and consciousness. We continued on in silence. 


A blur passed my car causing me to slam on my breaks as it came back towards us.  then standing in front of us was the Hybrid himself. Klaus Mikaelson. 

"Derek, I assume." He stated as I rolled the window down. 


"Where is he?" 

"Back door laying down." 

"Derek?" I turned looking at Liam who seemed delirious and his eyes kept flashing their yellow beta color. 

"Klaus is going to take you to Stiles. We'll meet you there, okay?" He barely gave a nod as Klaus opened the door and scooped him out. A piece of paper was tossed through the window and they were gone. I glanced at the paper seeing that they were directions to Stiles and the Mikaelsoons. Where they are staying in Mystic Falls. Once Isaac got situated in the passenger seat I began driving again. Hopefully, it'll be faster this time, now that  I know where I am going sort of. 


The minute Stiles got off the phone Niklaus took off and ever since then Stiles hasn't stopped pacing. 


He doesn't even register that I called him. I quickly stood up and stepped in his path causing him to run into me. 

"Stop worrying Renna. Everything will work out." I said wrapping him in a hug.  His anxiety is high. 

"What has you so anxious? Klaus will bring Liam back alright." 
"I know, it's just I don't know how bad it is. Derek seemed rattled. It takes a lot for Derek to be rattled. Even more so for him to leave on a whim with no plan or destination. Then there's Isaac. What toll is this taking on him? What did Scott do to him? To them?"

"You worry too much."-Kol

"No, he cares too much. There is a difference."-Nik

We all turned to see him carrying a bow who seemed to be unconscious. 

"Quickly, lay him down," Stiles said. Nik did as told and they got to work on healing the boy. 

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