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Scott called a "pack" meeting. I don't know why I'm here. It's definitely not to give advice. I tried previously to provide them with information on the Mikaelsons, what I gathered from old allies when Talia was Alpha. I had been gathering intel because she wanted to become allies. When I got mixed results, I went to Deaton because he was our pack emissary advisor to see what he knew. But Deaton's a cryptic bastard and peek manipulator got it in my head that they are awful mass murderers and that Klaus actively hunts for wolves to turn. I don't know, just the way Deaton spun his words made me believe him and we talked Talia out of it. He lost my trust when I discovered he conspired with the Argents and Kate when they burned my family alive. He gave Derek something that altered his soulmate bond. I found his notes. Now he's convinced this ragtag group, not a pack, a group of supernatural teens that not only is Stiles this mass murdering shell of a Nogitsune, but that the Mikaelson's want this murderous Stiles and that they want his knowledge of all the supernatural creatures and Scott's harem. Scott's not even like an Alpha anymore. Not that he was much of one, to begin with. But he treats everyone like property. Property he can do whatever he wants with and that they can never leave. 

"I've called you all here because we have a major problem. A problem that involves Stiles and his business with the Originals." Scott grabbed everyone's attention and Lydia, the little bitch, stood next to him and began speaking. Spinning lies. 

"Elijah Mikaelson is a major manipulator. He said he doesn't lie, but that's not true. He's not Stiles' boyfriend He's just the messenger. They need Stiles for his brain. His info on us, the psychotic part that the Nogitsune exploited, and his knowledge of the supernatural. For Klaus Mikaelson to break his curse. Once that happens, none of us are safe." 

"If Elijah's not Stiles' boyfriend, how did he get his number?"-Malia


"Derek doesn't have connections to the Mikaelsons."I piped up. He was warned by his mother, and I'm sure if he did he'd ask me about it because he also doesn't trust Deaton. Hell, he doesn't trust Scott. He's told me he only puts up with eh child Alpha because of Isaac and Liam. And of course, Stiles. 

"Are you sure? He's been a traitor to his own pack. His own family before when he was with Kate."-Theo

That little shit. Derek's been manipulated and used his entire life. It's why his walls are built up so high. Now I know why Scott called me here, to keep an eye on me. 

"Okay, so Derek gave Elijah Stiles' number. Why aren't we confronting him?"-Ethan

"Because he kidnapped Isaac and Liam skipping town. They're all traitors to this pack."-Scott

"That's why we haven't seen them for a week."-Kira

Scott nodded and the next obvious question popped up. 

"Where'd they go?"-Jackson

"To Stiles."-Lydia

As they should. Safer there. I'll probably head there when this is over. I know Derek looked to Stiles as his Alpha and the pups saw Stiles as basically their mother and Alpha. Hell, I've always known Stiles would make a great wolf, and part of that reasoning is his loyalty and leadership skills. 

"So where is he?"-Lydia

"That's what we have to find out. I suggest we consult Deaton and the Sheriff about it. Deaton knows a lot about the Originals and the Sheriff will know where Stiles would most likely be. The Originals would be doing this on Void's terms I'm sure."-Scott

And with that, they got to planning their manhunt and I disappeared going to pack up my apartment and notify Derek. 

'Heads up, Scott's planning a manhunt. I'll be with you all soon. I'm on your side. I'll always be on Stiles' side.'


It's been a weird couple of days. We've all stayed inside, mainly for everyone's protection, and not running into Elena is a plus. But, let me put into bullet points what's happened. 

* Rebekkah and Derek are mates. You can guess what they've been doing since they found out. 

* Liam finally woke up. 

                - He's feeling better, however, he's been ignoring Nik. No one knows why and I know it's upsetting Nik. I'm sure to him it looks like his mate is afraid of him and on the road to rejecting him. I know it's messing with Nik's psyche pretty badly. After everything that's happened in his life, he gets a young troubled mate. So he's doing the Nik thing. Notice I said Nik thing, not Klaus thing. That's because Nik's locked himself in his room with his paintings. Elijah's barely been able to get him to respond to make sure he is okay. I tried to once.... he dismissed me quickly. 

* Now it's time to have a talk with Liam. 

I need to talk to Liam about how he's treating Nik. I want to figure out his worries, get him to talk it out, and help him understand what mates are. I'm sure you all are wondering how I know so much. I'm telling you right now it's not because of Elijah even though we are mates. We never talk about that aspect of our relationship. I see it as what it is. We're mates. It's a statement like the sky is blue. Mainly because I can't explain what I feel in words. This might sound strange to you, but I remember first learning about mates from Damon. We were with Uncle John and his experiments at the time. Damon was trying to distract me from Enzo's screams. 


Uncle John just took Enzo. Punishment for trying to help me. Enzo always gets into the most trouble for trying to protect me and recently Damon as well. Uncle John never holds back but its always been tenfold when someone doesn't conform or "gets in his way" But I could hear Enzo screaming. Enzo never screams. 

"Mischief." sounded like it was underwater. 

"MISCHIEF" more urgent. My head turned int he direction. 

"mischief, focus on me bud." 

Damon. That's Damon. My eyes focused on his form leaning through/against his cage. 

"Yeah buddy." 


"I know, I know." 


"How about a story?" 

A story? About his life?

I nodded doing my best to keep my focus on  Damon and his voice to tune out Enzo's screams. 

"Do you know what a mate is?" 

"Like when you're married?" I asked with a tilt of my head. 

"Sometimes. A mate is your other half. The missing piece that when you find them you're complete. But it's rare. Especially with humans. Us supernaturals however have a better chance of finding our mates." 

"Can a mate be anyone?" 

"Yes, why do you ask?"

"I think your mate is a boy." 

"Why is that?"

"Don't know, just feel it." 

"You just feel it?" 


"Do you just feel most of your thoughts?"


~end flashback~

Damon looked at me differently after that conversation. Like a puzzle, he was trying to solve. I remember he mentioned it to Enxo when he came back. Enxo just said he knew that was that.  It could be why I used to talk a lot. If I started talking I could cover the actual thought I had. Because either way, most people ignore my advice. 

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