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The door opened up to Elijah standing with a hand behind his back. yet not in his normal suit. I know they're planning something. 

"What no suit?"-Damon

"Against my own opinion, yes" -Elijah

"What can we do for you, Elijah?"-Alaric

"I was actually hoping to speak with Elena and Jeremy." He said. Why us?

"What are you hiding?" I asked squinting my eyes at him in distrust. 

"Nothing that's to harm you if that's what you're thinking. I'm not sure if it's for your benefit either." He hummed

"Then why?"-Jeremy

"Because it's for his," Elijah stated bringing a boy in a big sweater and sweatpants out from behind him. The boy was looking down at his feet so it was hard to see how he was. Elijah bumped his arm causing the boy to look up. Stiles.  


'Lijah took us to this boarding house. Salvatore Boarding house. Like Damon Salvatore? I know a Damon Salvatore, I was little when I met him though. I remember his screams too. I remember that he never participated in the activities Uncle John had his vampires do - mainly to me. Damon was one of the only ones who absolutely refused to harm me, well besides Enzo. Enzo helped him get out and back to his brother. Even though it resulted in more punishment for himself, though he always said he never regrets it. The door opened and 'Lijah pushed me behind him. Expecting conflict or harm, I'm sure. I just heard voices, not really paying attention. NOt even when 'Lijah pulls me forward. Not until he bumps my arm causing me to look up at him confused. I'm not 100% sure why we are at the Salvatore boarding house. I know my parents worked hard to keep Elena and Jeremy out of the supernatural.  Hell, they shouldn't even know about it. That's how secretive our parents were, at least to my younger siblings. So I assume they'd be at our home. Elijah tilted his head slightly towards the door and I turned my head to look in that direction. I see 'Lena and Jer with a bunch of people behind them. 

"'Lena? Jer?" I say barely above a whisper. I haven't seen them since I was about 6. Enzo didn't break me out until I was almost 12. So I don't know how well they remember me. 

"Sti," Jeremy stated pushing past Elena to slam into me. Hugging me. Elijah braced my back so I didn't fall over. I tried not to show my pain because I didn't want them to jump to conclusions. He remembers me. 

"Why do you have him?"-Elena

"Who's this kid?" a new golf voice said. I looked towards the voice as Jeremy let go of me. I saw Damon Salvatore looking better than the last time I saw him. Considering he's not chained up and starving anymore.

"This is Stiles, he's our older brother."-Jer

"Older brother? Then where has he been?" a new voice spoke. I didn't recognize this man he was tall, skinny, and had brown hair kind of hung up on Elena. He's probably a vampire though. 

"I don't know actually."-Elena

"Beacon Hills." I muttered, but they decided that I must've been compelled by 'Jah to be near him and not running away. 

"You would be wrong. We've actually been dating for about four years now." Jah said causing outrage from Elena and a blonde vampire. 



"Yeah," I muttered confused about why they are angry. Did I do something wrong? I squeezed 'Jah's hand to get his attention. He looked down at me and before I could ask my question it seems as though he could read it on my face or in my eyes. 

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