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Waking up in Elijah's arms was a blessing. I almost forgot what it felt like to wake up with someone. To wake up without nightmares. To wake up without screaming myself awake. Without being restrained or drugged. A blessing. I recognized the feeling of a nighttime diaper I wear when  I'm little, in a regressed headspace. I don't remember, was I regressed last night? I haven't been in that headspace in years. I never felt comfortable entering it without Elijah or Nik around. Nik is able to keep me in line when Elijah has given up or can't pull me out of my panic attacks. It is quite strange, but even though Elijah is Nik's older brother, I see Nik as a father figure. One that can be fun and Stern. One I've never had before. One that I think he's aware of and Elijah is aware of, a thing neither of them care about. 

"Renna," Elijah spoke in his rough morning voice. I rolled over and blinked at him. Taking in the sight. The beautiful secure sight I haven't seen in years.

"'Lijah." I hummed in greeting. 

"How are you feeling?"

"Better now, than before."

"That's good, little one." 

"May I ask you a question?"


"Did I regress into my little headspace last night?" Clearly showing the confusion on my face. 

"You were pretty out of it when I got you. I uh...." 

"Purred." I giggled supplying the missing word. he sighed but continued, 

"Yes, purred and it was just a precaution because I couldn't tell your usual signs."


He smiled at me running his hand through my hair and started up his purring again. I giggled mumbling, 

"I'm going to fall back asleep 'lijah. Stop."

"Would you rather shower?"


"Think you can do it by yourself?"

"Yeah, but clothes?"

"I got some of yours."

"Your shirt." 

"Alright, I will place one of my shirts in your clothes while you shower. I have to speak with my siblings before you meet them." He said. I nodded in understanding. There must be more than just Nik here. So he'll probably give them the rundown about me that he knows and then come explain to me about the new people I'll be meeting as he did with Nik.  He rolled on top of me smothering me in kisses making me giggle. 

"Stop being so sickeningly sweet." a female voice called up jokingly causing Elijah to roll his eyes before kissing me passionately. We haven't shared a kiss in years and it's so full of emotion. A kiss that sends electricity through my veins.  


I got Stiles situated in the bathroom for his shower and quickly put on a soft shirt with jeans. An attire I never normally wear. 

"Elijah?"Kol questioned when I walked downstairs causing Rebekkah and Klaus' attention to shift to me. 

"No suit?"-Rebekkah

"I don't plan on going anywhere much today." 

"Unless Stiles wants to."-Klaus

"Yes, unless he wants to." I agreed


I glanced towards my sister. 

"What happened to him?"

"Eichen House is a mental institution where his previous pack so kindly put him for actions out of his control. This facility has a special floor specifically for supernatural creatures, where he's been restrained to a cot for however many years. Years that I didn't know about." I sighed rubbing a hand over my eyes as I sat on the couch ears trained on Stiles' slight humming while he was in the shower. I felt a hand press down on my shoulder and squeeze. I looked to see Klaus providing that action. 

"Elijah, you don't have to finish." Rebekkah timidly replied, an emotion and tone I have not see on her since we were human. 

"No, it's better I tell you now than with Stiles later. Give you time to constructively get rid of your anger." I said taking one more breath before continuing. 

"When Stiles was a junior in high school he was possessed by a Nogitsune. A Nogitsune that tortured him mentally and his friends physically causing him to institutionalize himself because he though he had frontotemporal dementia. A disease that eats away the brain. So the staff of Eichen House already didn't like Stiles, even less so when the Nogitsune took full control and broke him out of the institution killing a couple of Stiles friends. Then during the after events of the Nogitsune from what I'm aware of while we were in New Orleans, a bunch of supernatural doctors took advantage of the town's Nematon to create many chimeras. One being a boy who wanted to get back at the Sheriff of Beacon Hils for something that happened to his dad a long time ago when the Sheriff was still just a deputy.  Uh, he was wendigo chimera and tried to kill Stiles. Took a bite out of his shoulder. A wound that not even vampire blood could heal, he tried. To get away from this thing Stiles hit him once with the wrench he was using to fix his car before taking sanctuary in the school's library. However, it seemed to be quite the scuffle in the library between the two before Stiles climbed up some construction scaffolding accidentally pulling a pin loose causing more scaffolding to fall from the platform above his head and impaling the chimera effectively killing him. I remember Stiles calling me right after it happened and him trying to drive home midst a panic attack, I talked him down and told him to explain slowly to me first. Then to the Sheriff and Scott, the True Alpha best friend. He panicked again here. i remember asking why and him explaining Scott's killing is wrong moral. ("Like Elena?"Bekkah asked. I nodded silently in agreement) Later I learned that Scott trusted lies coming out of a new wolf's mouth more than Stiles. A lie that Stiles murdered in cold blood rather than self-defense. I assumed that's when everything finally began falling downhill." I sighed leaning back into the couch. 

"Meaning this time, the wolves that your Renna associated with and threw him into Eichen House whit no questions asked by coming up with lies to make him sound wore than being a frightened, defenseless, troubled human boy." Klaus summarized. 


I want to harm this pack of type B werewolves more and more for what they did to Elijah's boy. It's something about the betrayal that he has received from not only his biological family but also from the supernatural family he chose to protect before meeting Elijah. 

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