17: Interlude II part 2

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After coming to from my bliss, I did my best to put everything away before taking a nice scalding shower. I even made sure that I stripped my bed so that I could wash my sheets. 

Now, I'm lying on my bed, clean, and satisfied with the door unlocked. I don't want it open just in case Elena is still here. When I came too I heard her complaining and whining to someone on the phone about Stefan and I. 

God, doesn't that bitch have any class? Does she realize that we have enhanced senses? Honestly, she's probably doing it on purpose. 

Sighing, I repositioned myself on my bed and tried to relax with the book I was reading. Barely getting back into my book, there's a knock and then my door is pushed open. 


"Yes, Stefan?"

I watched him relax as he entered closing the door behind him. 

"May we talk?" 

"About what?"

I don't really bother to sit up, I'm comfortable. 

"Things in general."


He relaxed his posture more, but he had his Stefan-thinking face on. He's nervous as he starts to fidget with his hands and excessive swallowing. 

Some habits/tells from when we were human never change. 

We sat in silence. I could've started with asking his reason for wanting to talk, not taking the "in general" line he gave me. However, I could tell that it was something important to him so I decided to let him gather his thoughts and figure out how he wanted to start this conversation. 

"Why are you hiding from me?" He just blurted out. 

The look on his face told me that's not what he meant to say, but I'm not necessarily offended by the question. I have been hiding from my brother. 

Not physically, but definitely emotionally. I know I hide behind a mask of snark, sarcasm, and arrogance. It's a habit. 

"Habits die hard, I guess."

Vague answer. 

A vulnerable one. 

One to get him thinking. 

I know if I don't do this now, I won't do it. I know the first question Stiles will ask me when we're able to have our own reunion conversation is if I told Stefan about my "realizations".

"You've been hiding from me since we were human?"

"I believe so. Probably since 6 months before Katherine showed up to the present time."

Thinking back on it, it seems about right. Give or take a few weeks. Things go by in a blur with young love and then when fighting a war. 

"What are you hiding? I know when we were human we told each other almost everything. Never anything that happened with Katherine, but we spoke of everything else."

"Part of my identity, I guess. A true realization I didn't have until I was hanging from a cave ceiling in a cage. Something, that in our time, isn't something praised. It's frowned upon. Maybe it was used to accuse some of witchcraft or being involved with the devil's work too." 

Stefan is staring at me, eyebrows pinched in confusion. It probably never occurred to him. Especially with my "track record" of women. 

A big step of trust.

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