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We were talking in the common room of the Mikaelson home after Elijah finally, took me to see Elena and jer. It didn't go really well. Jer was happy, but Elena was angry. Said that Elijah and Nik helped kill her and Aunt Jenna. Made it seem like they're the bad guys, that 'Lijah was lying. When I knew about everything anyway. Nik didn't kill 'Lena when he found out we were related and I wanted to find another way that didn't involve Elena. He agreed to trust me for  Elijah and I found the right herbs. I gave them to Nik and it woke up his wolf making him a full hybrid. As for Aunt Jenna dying, I know that Nik had asked me if he could. Especially after I opened up to him a bit when he was angry about his siblings standing by and watching or his mother standing by and watching as his father beat him when they were human. I mentioned that Aunt Jenna watched me get hurt a lot and never did anything when I cried out to her for help. I didn't give Nik much detail but it was enough to enact his rage. I told him she'd probably deserved it and that I didn't care. Of course, this was done over the phone because he had Elijah in a box at the time. Yet, Elena kept yelling and saying what a bad person Elijah was and a bunch of other bullshit as I began to check out of the conversation after her mention of free will being taken away. I didn't like any of it so I made Elijah take me home. However, now we are sitting around talking or relaxing or, in Kol's case, enjoying dessert. Which I wish he did not eat in the living room. I whined, having slowly regressed a bit after the argument with Elena, shoving my face into Elijah's side/shoulder. 

"Kol, was it necessary to bring that inside?"-Elijah

"It's dessert, Elijah. I did offer to share." 
"Yes and once everyone declined the offer you could have eaten elsewhere."-Elijah

"Yes, it's othering Stiles."-Rebekkah

I heard Kol sigh and then nothing for a while. I was slowly teetering the edge of sleep and full regression as I rubbed my hand against my chest. Phantom pack bonds. I slowly sat up blinking blurrily at everyone minding their own business until they locked on Nik because I could hear him growling under his breath. It brought me back from the edge allowing me to focus entirely on Nik to see if I could figure out what was wrong. I watched as his hands clenched before he brought one up to rub his chest like I was just doing and his legs slowly twitching. Suddenly he began coughing violently causing everyone to turn their attention towards him right as black blood splattered onto the floor. I bolted up off the couch and over to Nik placing both my hands on his shoulders trying to look in his eyes. Was he poisoned? I never knew of a type A werewolf vomiting black blood and with I'm being a Hybrid he shouldn't be because the vampire side should counteract it. 

"Nik?" I asked quietly knowing he'd hear me. He gasped for breath before speaking, 

"I don't know little fox."

"I didn't  think your kind vomited black blood." 

"His kind?"-Rebekkah

"Type A werewolves. However, the fact that he's a vampire should also counteract it, but it's not. My old pack was full of Type B werewolves. They only had a half-shifted Beta shape and can shift whenever they want. Alpha's get a monstrous Alpha shape. Only Ture wolves can actually fully shift and they're rare." 

"Okay, why would he be vomiting black blood?"-Kol

"If he was dying, but that's impossible. So possibly your mate is dying...." I trailed off. He rubbed his hand across his chest like I did when I felt what I thought to be phantom pack bonds. But what if they're not. 

"Dying how Stiles?"-Rebekkah

"Broke pack bonds or wolfsbane. I feel like he'd be in more pain if it was wolfsbane or mistletoe though." 

"Renna, you look like you realized something." 

"I've been feeling phantom pack bonds lately, but what if they're not phantom just faint." 

"Whose would they be?"-Elijah

"Derek's maybe." 

"Would you like to call and find out?" he asked. I nodded taking his offered phone and dialled Derek's number waiting for him to pick up. 



"Stiles." he sounded relieved

"Do we still have pack bonds?"


"Okay, I feel them sometimes. Oh, I have a question." 

"Okay, I'm listening."

"Would a Type A werewolf vomit black blood?" 

"Only if they're mated to a Type B. Why?" 

"Because Nik is vomiting black blood." 

"The Hybrid?"

I hummed in response.



"He could be mated to Liam." My heart sank. What could cause Liam to be dying. What did Scott do?

"Why would you say that?" 

"Because Isaac, Liam, and I aren't in Beacon Hills anymore." 

"Broken pack bonds and one between an Alpha and their first Beta is the worst." It's just broken pack bonds. Derek's getting my pups to safety. I heard a confirming noise in reply. 

"So where are you going?" 

"You. But we don't know where exactly you are...."  he trailed off. 

"Mystic Falls, Virginia."

"We just crossed the Virginia state lines a little bit ago." They're already in Virginia? Derek must've been flooring it the whole way with minimal stops and luck on his side. 

"Are you  in your camera?" I asked keeping an eye on Nik who seemed like he was about to rush out when he heard they were in the state. Liam is Nik's mate. Liam is Nik's mate.  Shaking my head slightly so I could focus I just barely caught Derek's response. 

"Yeah, why?"

"I think Nik is going to get Liam." 

"Okay," he responded and hung up. 


I have a mate who's dying because of an immature Alpha and his inability to properly lead a pack. A mate that is supernatural and that Stiles cares about. A young mate, but that's alright. The pain in my chest gets worse the longer Stiles is on the phone and I sit there doing nothing. I have to wait though to get him because I need a little bit more information. Once the phone call ends, I go to leave but Stiles stops me. 

"Give Derek the address to get here please." 

I nod in response speeding away to get my little mate. 

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