9. Interlude I

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There was a knock on my door and when I didn't respond Stefan poked his head in. 

"May we talk?" 

"Is it about my treatment of Elena?"

"No, actually."
"Then fine, I guess," I said as he fully came into the room closing the door behind him. 

"So why do you think Elena is wrong?"

"I thought you said this wasn't about my treatment of her." 

"It's not. I just noticed that when Elena was making accusations about Elijah and his treatment of Stiles you seemed to get angry. Like what she was saying was personally offending you. I just want to know why, because I know some of the stuff Elena was spouting about Klaus trying to kill her and the reason for killing Jenna was utter bullshit." 

I looked at Stefan confused.

"I recall you being compelled at that time." 

"I was and I know that Klaus backed off his manhunt on Elena and killed Jenna in a rage. Like she was originally going to be used in his scheme but when he actually killed her it was like he was doing it to protect someone. Killing her for past sins." 

"Protecting who?" 
"I think Stiles." 

I mean it makes sense. He's with Elijah. Jenna must've done something for why he ended up in that awful place when he was younger. I met him when he was 6, god knows how long he was in there before I got there. 

"Your turn."

"What do you mean my turn?"

"Why do you think Elena is wrong? I entertained your curiosity. Now it's your turn to entertain mine." 

He does have a point. I sighed sitting down on my bed scouting to lay my back against the headboard. 

"Remember when we had that fight? You were no humanity entirely Ripper Stefan and I went missing for 2 years."

"I recall that happening. When you came back you looked awful." 

"That's because I was starved. Granted a choice I made." 
"Why would you choose to starve? I've seen you feed on everyone, even Caroline, to get your way. To prove a point." 

"Because the only choice of blood was from a 6-year-old boy. I don't know how long he'd been there when I arrived. But he reminded me of you when you were younger. I couldn't especially not hearing him crying himself to sleep or crying out to someone for help."

"Where were you?" 

"Some chain of tunnels. It was like a lab. Had a bunch of vampires in chains. Some in cages hanging from the assumed Ceiling. The man dangled this boy in one of the cages making the vampires feral. All but one." 


"Well, Enzo actually. I wasn't kept in that room in the beginning. The man liked to experiment on us so that's what he did to me for the first assumed month. . The boy would come in when the man needed him. Same with Enzo. The boy didn't speak, of course, too scared. Skinny thing. When he spoke it was only to Enzo. The only person who put himself in harm's way to protect that boy."

"This boy was human?" I nodded in agreement. 

"His name?" 

"Enzo referred to him as Mischief so I did as well. But it was Stiles."

"You're kidding." 

"I'm not. I told the man that I'd rather starve than feed of Stiles. Told Stiles all about you and how we became vampires.  Helped Enzo protect him for 2 years."

Two years of torture, two years of Hell, two years of listening to frightening screams and cries for help from a little boy. A boy who should've never known about the horrors of the supernatural. Two years of an experience I do as much to forget about it as I can. Two years of realizations I made about myself. About Stefan. Realizations I never told him. 

"And then you found me again."

"After following your trail of bodies. But that wasn't the last of Stiles I saw. When Enzo got me out to get back to you, I tried to take Stiles with me but Enzo had a plan. He said he'd get Stiles out in 4 years. In 4 years Stiles would be strong enough to leave. I trusted Enzo's word. Enzo is one of the few people I will always trust. So when that 4-year mark hit I ventured back." 
"They didn't move?"

"No, I'm sure the man thought that if anyone could leave they wouldn't dare come back due to fear."

"But you did." 

"I did, only for Stiles and sure enough Enzo got him out. He was 12. He was bone-showing skinny, absolutely filthy, but alive. I took him back to our apartment. You had wanted to get away from me for a while so I know it'd be safe."


Waiting, waiting was never my strong suit. Especially when all my senses were telling me to make a run for it. But I couldn't, I had a job to do. I had to wait for Stiles so I could get him to safety. I watched as a little hand shot out from the dirt grabbing the root of a tree. I made my way over grabbing his hand and pulling him up. 

"Hey Mischief, what do you say we get you out of here?"

He looked up at me with a relieved smile before hugging me. 

"Enzo said you'd come back." 

"Enzo's never wrong," I responded scooping him up.

"Hold on tight kit." and I sped away to mine and Stefan's apartment. We'll be safe here. Mischief will be safe here. Stefan is out for who knows how long. I pushed him away again. A thing I seem to always do. But now I need to make sure Mischief's okay. Okay and healthy enough for me to get him as far away as possible.


"Yeah kit." 

"I thought when you got out you were supposed to make amends with your brother." 

"I did and then I started pushing him away again."

"You didn't tell him?" 

"Tell him what kit?"

"About you and feelings." My realizations. 


"Why no?"

"I'd rather keep my brother." 

"How do you know he'd leave?" 

"He always leaves." 

"Because I'm sure he tries to get through to you. You panic and push him away." 

"I thought kids weren't supposed to be this smart." 

"I'm different. So why do you panic?" curious boy

"You have to remember, in the time I grew up it was frowned upon. All of it was frowned upon. Stefan is a very hard person to read always pensive so I never know of his thoughts on the subject. Every time I try I just think of him hating me. I don't want to lose him. So I don't tell him."

"So it's better for him to leave because you make him when he also just wants his brother." 

I shake my head at this kid's deduction skills. 

"Alright kit. How about you shower and I'll make some food." 

"You won't leave?" 

"I'll be right down this hall in the kitchen." he nodded before closing the door. 

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