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"Niklaus, if we are done I have other matters to attend to."

"What would that be, brother?" -Rebekah

"Your Renna I assume." Klaus hummed not looking away from his painting.

"'lijah what is Nik going on about?" Rebekah asked looking at me as Kol walked into the room. 

"Our brother is speaking of my boyfriend, I presume." 

"Boyfriend!"- Rebekkah

"Really, I'm surprised."-Kol 

"Wait till you meet the boy, you'll understand then." Klaus smiled. A rare smile he only uses around my little fox. A boy he sees as family, like Henrik. I chuckled fondly before removing my phone to call Stiles. I know I missed his high school graduation. I missed a lot of things, but I warned him that I'd possibly be hung up with Klaus-related things, including the possibility of being daggered.

"Hello?" I asked when the phone picked up. 

"Who is this?" a boy, not Stiles, answered.

"Who are you to have Stiles' phone?" 

"Scott McCall." Oh the best friend, True Alpha. Stiles has told me about his pack, though I've never met them. Stiles wanted us to be a secret,  the only one who knew was the sheriff.  

"Ahh, the True Alpha.  Yes, Stiles mentioned you." 

"What?! Stiles wouldn't reveal that to anyone, not even to someone supernatural. WHO ARE YOU!!!!" He boomed through the phone. I only raised an eyebrow sharing a look with Klaus. 

"Allow me to introduce myself. Elijah Mikaelson, Original Vampire." resulting in several gasps released on the other line. 

"Now, if you could kindly put Stiles on the phone." 

"He's not here." 

"Oh, then where is he?"

"Somewhere he can't hurt anyone else. Never again"

"And where would that be?" I was slowly losing my patience. 

"Eichen House."

"You have no authority in Beacon Hills to come and retrieve him either. You aren't his legal guardian, so you are unable to remove him from the one place killers should be." ugh, Alan Deaton a "druid" so obsessed with keeping balance he'll corrupt young teenagers. He's basically a groomer.  

"I'd watch your tongue if I were you. I am a lot older than you lot and not even his legal guardian admitted him to this place. A file of kidnapping could be put in order." 

" The sheriff, his dad, is the one who put him in there with us." a girl spoke snobbily, almost as if she thought she was better than whoever she was speaking to. I watched Rebekkah roll her eyes mouthing 'she's like Elena' annoyed. 

"You don't know Stiles very well, do you." I hummed leaving them to ask questions which I ignored. 

"Be wary, for I'm coming to get Stiles and if any of you get in my way. I'm sure my brother would love to have some fun." I finished with a click of the phone in order to avoid any more of their questions. No time for politeness, besides they don't deserve it. 

"Brother, what is your plan now?"- Klaus

"I shall venture to Beacon Hills and retrieve Stiles and bring him back here. To Mystic Falls, where his family is." 
"You mean us?"-Kol

"Not exactly."

"Then what do you mean, brother."-Rebekkah

"Stiles is the eldest Gilbert." Klaus answered before I could. 

"Really?" Kol was surprised.  

"How'd he end up in California?" -Rebekah

"I don't know the details of his past. Stiles never was comfortable enough to share it with me and I respect his decisions."

"Always the noble one 'lijah." Rebekah said with a smile.

" I must go retrieve my Renna from Eichen House for he does not belong there. I will be back as soon as possible, then you all will get to meet him." 


I am only going to try once to reason with these dogs before I save my Renna. I silently listen in from outside the animal clinic the pack seems to frequent most of the time because it is where their "advisor", Alan Deaton, is most of the time. 

"Scott, we shouldn't have put Stiles in Eichen House. Especially with his connection to Elijah Mikaelson." 

"No, Eichen House is the safest place for Stiles from not only us but himself as well." 

"Last time you didn't explain who Elijah is or what an Original Vampire even is." 
"Lydia's right. Besides, Deaton how do you and Peter know about him?" 
" Talia had mentioned them to me before. She wanted me to reach out as the Left Hand and contact them in an attempt to become allies. Deaton and I talked her out of it. We explained to her the trouble it would bring us and the horror Klaus would open onto us once his fully hybrid power was restored."

"Elijah is the second eldest of the six original children. He is known to be noble and do everything for family. " 

"How'd someone like that get involved with Stiles?"

 "Why was he even calling Stiles?"

"Information maybe? Stiles has a lot of research on the supernatural."

Annoying, this pack of pups used Stiles just for his research and yet refused to help him when he needed the protection. Anger rose and I stormed inside the building ignoring the closed sign on the door. A bell rang alerting my presence. I was met by the pack in its entirety, possibly minus a few mature humans. The banshee looked at me with an unrecognizable gaze mixed with possible lust.  I internally rolled my eyes as she spoke. 

"You're Elijah Mikaelson?" she spoke in a tone of seemingly unimpressed, almost bored. 

"Yes, Lydia is it?" I asked adjusting the sleeves on my suit. 

"How do you know Stiles?" a curly-haired pup asked with a tilt of his head. He seemed like he was constantly scared, how Niklaus used to be. Might be like my Renna, but he seemed to be pushed around his pack if the glare Scott sent his way was anything to go by. I only recognize him from Stiles' description. 

"I'm Stiles' boyfriend." I gave a kind smile to the boy as many gasps and questions erupted within the group. I ignored them addressing the emissary. 

"Now Alan, I suggest you keep your pack, as their emissary, informed and out of my way. I also suggest you stop practicing your magic. Especially after what you've done." 

"Why does he have to stop? Is it because you're scared?" the crooked jaw True Alpha spat

"NO." I boomed my authority leaking through my voice frightening the curly-haired pup and the youngest pup causing them both to cower into a brooding wolf. I quickly glanced at them apologetically before getting back to the topic at hand. The faster I get through this, the faster I can get my Renna. "It is because his priorities are not in order. When you all saved the were-coyote your emissary closed the door to the minds of your huntress and True Alpha proceeding to the darkness from their hearts. However, he left Stiles with an open mind and darkness in his heart allowing the Nogitsune to take hold of him. He was vulnerable." 

"And you're lying. Stiles just wasn't strong enough to keep the Nogitsune out." 

My patience is running thin. This arrogant Alpha refuses to listen and I refuse to beat it into him if it won't change his mind. 

"I do not lie. Though I will leave with this warning." I said capturing their attention, "I am to take Stiles with me and if you try to get in my way, I will give you to Klaus as pets." growling as I finished before speeding off to Eichen House. 

Renna, I am coming. 

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