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(Trigger Warning: mentions of verbal, emotional, and mental abuse)


Elijah was with Nik again, Rebecca and Derek are still in their room, and I don't know where Kol is. Currently, I'm sitting in mine and Elijah's room writing. I remember Damon said his brother wrote all the time. That he did it to even just to put his thoughts/secrets on paper to keep them out of his head. I only just started doing it and it helps to keep me out of my head. From getting lost in there. 

~knock knock~

"Come in," I spoke quietly knowing whoever's knocking would hear me since everyone else in this building has supernatural senses. 

"Stiles?" I turned seeing Isaac and Lima slinking in. I closed my journal setting it aside. 

"What's up?"

"Can we talk?" Liam whispered, him and Isaac looking down. 

"Always." They both still seemed too nervous. Scared even. Why?

"We're sorry." they blurted. 

"Why are you apologizing? You did nothing wrong." 

"We let Scott push you away. Put you in Eichen."-Liam

"We didn't believe you when you tried to explain your side."-Isaac

"Hey, Hey look at me. Both of you." I waited till I had both of their attention. 

"None of this was your fault. Scott got his head stuck up his own ass letting the whole True Alpha status go to his head. He basically got Gerard's god complex. You two were always intentionally or unintentionally on the receiving end of his tone or anger. I never blamed you for following orders. Hell, I stayed in the pack, in Beacon Hills after Him. It was to protect you two specifically. When Scott's anger and disappointment were directed toward me it was easier to deal with to pretty much ignore. When it's directed at you two. It angered me." 

"Why did it anger you?"-Liam

"He should know better. He knows how you grew up Isaac, what your father did. He knows certain actions and a rise in tone causes you to tense up and to cower back. Listen while keeping your thoughts and opinions to yourself. With Liam, he knows how he treated you when he first turned you and freaked you out. Knew that you looked up to him but shoved you away because of the I.E.D. Then after Theo manipulated you and he knew what happened and still pushed you away."

"Basically what you're saying is that Scott's a shit Alpha."-Isaac

"Oh definitely."

We sat in silence a little longer. Liam fidgeting with Isaac nudging him every so often. 

"Anything else you'd like to discuss?"

"Elijah is just your boyfriend?"-Liam

"I mean yeah, and technically we're mates." 

Liam nodded. 

"What's wrong? Is this about Nik?" 

"I thought his name was Klaus."-Isaac

"It's Niklaus." I clarified and he nodded. 

"Kinda," Liam spoke up. 

" If you don't elaborate or ask questions I can't exactly help you, Liam." 

"I don't know what to do. He locked himself away." 

"Are you pushing him away? What happened when you woke up?"

"I just kinda stared. Couldn't get words out, mainly because I was still trying to process and my wolf was growling in my head. It's hard to focus when that happens. Then he just left shutting the door. I tried knocking on the door of the room he was in, but he just growled at me. I thought it was like when Scott's angry and he growls at me to leave him alone and so I just decided to leave him alone. My wolf whines about it, but I don't know what to do about it." 

So it wasn't Liam pushing Nik away like I originally thought. Nik mistook Liam's silence for rejection and pushed him away. 


Plagued by images of my young mate sleeping, possibly dying. I paint. I paint for continuous days nonstop. ignoring Elijah's pleas to stop and eat something. But I can't. Not with my frightened young mate wandering the halls. I'll gladly stay confined to my spare room. 

I heard the door open. 

"Forget something 'Lijah?" 

"Actually I'm here to talk to you." 

"Stiles." I sighed turning around to see him standing against the closed door. 

"Elijah give up so he sent you." 

"Oh no. I'm here for a different reason." 

"And that is?" 

"This." He said walking up to me and hitting me in the back of the head. I growled. 

"Quit being a dumbass, Nik." I glared at him. Stiles is probably the only one who could get away with treating me like this. 

"I'm serious, Nik. You're making Liam feel like he did something wrong. He was told you were his mate when he was dying and delirious. So when he has a clear head it'll take him a minute to process the information that you're mates. Since McCall's a shit excuse for an Alpha, he didn't teach Liam much when it comes to communicating with his wolf, so the kid still has a hard time with that. On top of everything else he has I.E.D. so when he gets frustrated he internalizes that rage instead of having an outward episode. That was the silence you mistook for rejection. When he was finally able to move and come talk with you, you growled at him. McCall always growled at him when he tried to talk with him or get advice so yeah, Liam took it as you wanting him to leave you alone so that's what he's doing. His wolf is unhappy about it of course and Liam is too scared to do anything about it because he doesn't know how to go about it. This brings me to why I am here. To talk you into going to talk to Liam. you two need to have a conversation because currently you're both hurting each other. "  

He has a hard time processing and expressing himself in ways other than anger. I've made it worse by unconsciously pushing him away because I thought he was scared of me. I glanced at my current painting before sighing. 

"I guess I should." 

"Yeah." Stiles hummed walking out leaving the door open, giving me the option to take that first step. 

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