22. Interlude IV

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Who does he think he is? 

Lying like that. 

* Uncle John's experimenting on vampires

* Aunt Jenna knowing all  about it

* Saying that all different kinds of "supernatural" creatures were trying to kill him while he wasn't here. 

Honestly, he's trying to manipulate Jeremy too. Trying to get him to go against me. But jokes on Stiles, I've been here for all of it and Jer won't turn against me. Sure I've done things for him that he wasn't happy with. Like having him compelled without his say-so, for example. But it was all to protect him. I'm the big sister, that's my job. 

Now to start pulling the loose ends in his story to watch it all unravel. 


Arriving at the Salvatore house, I just walked in. Stefan and Damon were in the middle of a conversation when I found them in the front room. I cleared my throat to get their attention and once I had it, I spoke. 

"The funniest things happened. Jeremy and I were talking with Stiles at the Grill today and he spun this story. Using it as an excuse for being gone, I assume. Well, this story was about Uncle John and how he used to experiment on vampires, on Stiles, and a lot of other shit. Obviously, I could see through the bullshit and called him out on it. Asked him about proof or witnesses. You know who he said?" I asked. 

They both just stared at me. Stefan looked annoyed and I couldn't read Damon.

 I can always read Damon, what the hell. 

Neither brother hazard a guess so I told them. 

"He said you, Damon. But obviously, there's no way that's true, right?"

I made contact with him. Daring him to prove me wrong. 

"But it is true, Elena."

"You're joking right?" I looked at Damon before turning my attention to Stefan. 

"Please tell me he's joking, Stefan." 

"He's not." Stefan deadpanned. 

"Did Stiles get to you too?"

"No, Damon told me himself."

I turned back to Damon. 

"I experienced the torture at John Gilbert's hands. I purposely took punishments because I refused to feed on Stiles. He was 6 when I met him. 12 when I left him safe in Beacon Hills. Enzo and I did our best to protect him from what we could. To distract him from everything going on around him. We couldn't protect him when John took him to an isolated area, but we got him out of that place. Out of Hell."

Ugh, he was telling the truth about what happened with John. How the hell did the Mikaelsons get involved? He didn't even mention them when telling us about Beacon Hills. If I chose to even believe half the crap he said. 

"Anything else, Elena?" Damon drawled in a bored tone. 

I got into both of the brother's spaces, though keeping my focus on Damon. 

"I could think of a reason." I hummed going to wrap my arms around his neck. 

Damon sped into another room before I could blink. I turned to Stefan to find him gone too. What the fuck is going on? Everything was fine before Stiles returned to Mystic Falls. It's all Stiles' fault. 

He ruined everything. 


"So what do you think about Stiles dating Elijah?"

"Stefan, I swear to God if you asked me this because I told you I'm gay..."

"No, that's not the reason."

"Then what's the reason behind you asking me that question?"

"Because you see him as a little brother."

"He did remind me of you when I met him."


"I think it's good. Stiles looked comfortable. Happy, even if a little haunted. However, that could be from something that happened in Beacon Hills. I never contacted him again after I got him there. Believing he was safe."

Silence fell between us for a while before I spoke again. 

"What do you think of the pairing?"

Stefan was stunned. Not realizing or expecting me to flip the question back on him. 

"Honestly, I think it's a good thing. Though my thinking is for the Mikaelsons." 

"Why?" curious about his thought process. 

"Stiles seems to be something that resonated with/grounded both Klaus and Elijah. And I bet when Elijah met Stiles, Klaus started backing off Elena. Backing off trying to kill all of us. Yes, he used some of us to his advantage. To play his games." 

"Meaning mainly you and Ric."

"Yes, but it was more of a protection aspect. Keeping us in line and yet at arm's length. Then of course the protection he kept reserved for Stiles." 

"Killing Jenna."


"I can see that, so what Klaus thinks of Stiles as a younger brother too?"

"I'd say so, even if he's dating the older brother."

Throat clearing. 

Stefan and I turned to find an irritated Elena in our home. 

We really need to change the locks and actually start locking that door. Or maybe just move. 

"The funniest thing happened," Elena started speaking. 

Her voice graining on my ears.

  Do I really need to hear this?

"Jeremy and I were talking with Stiles at the Grill today and he spun this story. Using it as an excuse for being gone, I assume. Well, this story was about Uncle John and how he used to experiment on vampires."

My walls started coming up. 

"And on stiles and a lot of other shit. Obviously, I could see through the bullshit and called him out on it."

Bullshit?! Bullshit?! Well guess what, I actually lived that "bullshit"

"Asked about proof or witnesses. You know who he said?"

Enzo and I

Stefan and I just gave her a deadpan gaze. 

"He said you, Damon. But obviously, there's no way that's true, right?"

She looked me in the eyes, almost trying to challenge me for some reason. 

"But it is true, Elena," I spoke feigning slight confusion.

The 'are you kidding me' look on her face. Elena needs to learn that not everything is about her. Not everyone has some sort of scheme to undermine her. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09 ⏰

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