Part 1: This Is A True Story

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The events that you are about to read are historically accurate. They all happened to me. I survived but at what cost? I nearly died several times. I was beaten to a pulp. I was raped. I was sexually assaulted. Life's hard. Especially when your a vulnerable adult with autism. Life gets even harder when you can't understand the basics.

I got my diagnosis at 18. I firmly believe that if I got my diagnosis sooner I would of avoided all of the events that I experienced that tournament me to this day. I live in a nightmare.

I don't trust people anymore. I no longer believe in "love". I find it difficult to sleep. When I go out my anxiety is through the roof.

I'm broken. Reliving the past is going to break me. Reliving everything in depth to share my story is going to make it all real again. So why am I going to torture myself to right a book? I am doing this to get my story out their. If I don't then other vulnerable adults will experience what I have, and I wouldn't wish that on anybody.

When your told that your just a bad, misbehaved child because you struggle and don't understand what's right in-front of you it becomes hard to trust adults. The people who are supposed to look out for you are always putting you down and punishing you because they don't want the hassle of fighting for your diagnosis. The system failed me, they didn't give me my diagnosis when my parents first tried to get it for me. I got it too late. By then I'd already been involved with a rough crowd, had a domestic girlfriend, been sexually assaulted and more. It's a scary world out their, especially when you don't understand why you struggle.

Until I got my diagnosis and got some support my life was hell. It still is, but I'm getting their and I'll come back stronger.

The events you are about to read have happened to me. Im writing this because their will be someone somewhere that will be in the same situation as me and I hope that they'll reconsider things and learn to talk to people before it's too late. I wouldn't want anybody on earth to experience what I've had too. I don't want another soul to feel so low that they debate ending it all each and every day.

Autism Awareness: How I Overcame Domestic Abuse, Sexual Assault & Drug AddictionWhere stories live. Discover now