Part 22: The Pickaxe Handle

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So one night me, Jesus and my "best friend" were sat on my sofa. He wanted to go out to meet some random girls we met on Snapchat. Jesus didn't want me going out at half two in the morning which is understandable. So my "best friend" goes out for a spliff in a mood. He's ranting on about battering Jesus for not letting me out so I told him to behave and he got his taxi home.

The next day we planned to meet these girls. He never showed up. So I went alone. He got in a mood because he didn't wanna go so we went to him. He was just so rood and obnoxious towards these two girls for no reason. So we decide to walk up to mine so I can get some clean clothes as I was dirty after been out. He asks who's their and I tell him Jesus and Jesus' cousin (we'll call him Ginger). So he's kicking off saying he'll slap Ginger about because he hard some rumour about him being a woman beater. So I told him that he's not bringing trouble to my house so he walks off in a mood. These girls walk with me to mine, later on that night he rings them asking for me, they tell him I'm not their and they ask him why he walked off and he told them that if he didn't walk off he would of laid me out.

The next day his girlfriend (let's all her princess) rings me and she rambles on about how he's saying he's going to kick the shit outta me so I just loose it and I tell her everything, I told her all of his dirty little secrets because I was done neem scared of a bloke who uses women for his own pleasure. So he rings me banging on and on saying he'll better Ginger and Jesus. So I told him to bring it because he'd have to go through me first.

He eventually turned up. He showed up with a pick axe handle, Ginger speared him to the floor and started asking him why he was after him, then his dad showed up at the gate and asked me why it was a three on one. It wasn't, his son wanted to do us all in so he got his chance. Then he kicks Ginger off of him, grabs the pick axe handle, whacks Ginger over the head, splits his head open and then whacks his back as he's walking away. Ginger went inside to clean up so he went for Jesus, I ragged him into the garden, he tries to hit me across the head with this pick axe hand, I grab it and then throw it away. He then grabs a golf club from the garden, goes for my head again, misses. He then takes it to my leg and it snaps on my leg, and then he tried to stab me with the other end. He tried to kill me.

It just shows that no matter how much you trust someone they can always change. I have no more words to say to this guy. I just hope he changes and becomes the same person he was when we first met...

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