Chapter 21

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"She's waking up-" I heard faint voices in the background. I could also hear a woman's voice but couldn't really make out what she was saying. It did sound like she was worried about something or someone. Wait, where am I?

I open my eyes to see people surrounding me. Who are these people? Why are they here?

Hold on- am I dead?! No I can't be dead. The universe 'loves' me too much to just let me die.

Everything was still a little fuzzy at the moment but when my eyes adjusted, I soon realized I was laying in a hospital bed.

"Doctor she's awake"

How did I get here? When did I get it? I had so many questions but was too weak to even speak. I then saw a woman rush into the room, pushing the nurses aside that tried to stop her. She came over to my bed crying. It took me a minute to realize who she was.

"Mom..." where the fuck have you been.

She bawled her eyes out and nodded. "Yes sweetie I'm here..." she cried but smiled knowing I was okay. I could see through her tired eyes and dark circles under her eyes that she hasn't been sleeping for days, maybe weeks. At any moment it looked like she was gonna pass out but was relieved at the same time.

"I'm confused... why am I here?" I asked as my mom finally sat up and dried her tears. "Well... you were in a coma for a month... I don't want to overwhelm you with a lot of information so for now until you're fully recovered, the doctor will tell you" She responded. Suddenly I started getting flashbacks of past events. So they weren't real? Everything that happened. Me meeting Jeff was never real? It was just a dream? It felt so real. I felt a little disappointed but relieved at the same time. Atleast now I know my mom's not dead and Marissa never actually dissapeared. Speaking of Marissa. I looked at my mom to get her attention. She looked at me and asked what was wrong. "Where's Marissa?"

"She's home. She's also been worried about you but since you're awake, I can call her and tell her you're okay" My mom said and I nodded. So it really was just a dream.


A few days had passed and I was officially released from the hospital. My mom drove us home and waiting, was Marissa and her parents. They welcomed me when my mom and I got inside. I was happy to see her again and my mom, knowing they're here. After our little welcoming party, Marissa stayed the night over. We went upstairs to my room what felt like I've been gone for ages.

Marissa: You had me worried you know. I thought you'd never wake up...

(Y/n): I don't even remember what happened. All I can remember was that weird dream I was in

She looked at me with a questionable look "what was it about?"

(Y/n): All of you suddenly dissapeared and weird stuff started happening. But that's finally over so I'm relieved that it was just a dream

Marissa: Well I'm glad that every thing is okay and we can finally go back to the way it was. We have lots of catching up to do

I nod. Marissa layed next to me and before she went to sleep, she turned over to me as she started squealing. "Girl I need to tell you about my new obsession"

(Y/n): What new obsession? Are you out of that k-pop phase already?

Jeez woman, give me a break. I just woke up from my death bed.

Marissa: No I'm still in it but check this out

She showed me a picture on her phone. My jaw dropped after seeing the photo. I suddenly felt like dejavu hit me.

Marissa: -this is called creepy pasta and I'm sure you'll love it too since you're into creepy stuff yourself

She rambled about it while I was busy processing if I'm reliving this whole thing over and over again.

Are you kidding me? (Jeff the killer x reader)Where stories live. Discover now