Chapter 17

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"(Y/n)... wake up"
I opened my eyes to see Jeff sitting in front of me. I yawned and rubbed my eyes "what time is it?". "4 in the afternoon..". I immediately jumped up and fell off the bed "what!". "You sure sleep alot damn"

Jeff stood up and gave me a hand. I reach for it and stand up "why didn't you wake me up sooner!". "Trust me I tried". I sighed "why didn't you leave?". "I had to make sure you were still alive" he says, putting his hands in his pockets. "Aw that's so sweet-". "So that I can kill you myself". "Oh.."
Jeff laughed "why the long face? It was just a joke". "I hate you and your stupid jokes". I grabbed my pillow and threw it on his face. "Anyway.. I need to get to the store and do some groceries" I say, walking to my wardrobe. "With what money?". I looked at Jeff "my mom keeps money in her room.. I'll just use that and pay her back". He nods "okay princess.. I'll get going now but don't get too comfortable, I'll be back" Jeff says and jumps out of the window. "For crying out loud Jeff.. The window is not for!- you know what, why do I even bother". I walk to the window and look outside, seeing no trace of the male. "Okay he's gone" I close my window and take a shower.

After I finished, I went downstairs to eat some breakfast. I sat down with a big bowl of cereal and grabbed my phone, scrolling through some posts. After a while I received a message from an unknown number. I opened the message and dropped my phone on the ground "Wtf!". The messages were disturbing pictures of body parts. I normally don't pay attention to unknown numbers and block them immediately but this is just sick. Who would do such a thing! You must be a real sicko to do something like that. I grabbed my phone, wanting to block the number but instead I replied. Which was probably not a good idea.

"Is this some kind of a sick prank!"

I placed my phone down and got up, heading to the sink. Not even a minute went by till I received a text again. I felt nauseous, my stomach was aching. I opened the message and felt a sharp pain in the stomach after receiving another picture but of me and Jeff sleeping next to each other. "What the hell! This is from last night". "Who are you!" I replied and not getting an answer to my question but another picture. This time, the person stood closer to the bed as the picture was from close up. I immediately blocked the number "there's no way...". I shivered in fear, knowing there was someone or something out there stalking me. What should I do? Should I report this? Now I'm scared of being alone and it's not like I have somewhere to go. I have no choice but to wait till Jeff comes back, like it or not. I sighed and remembered, I still need to do groceries.

I went upstairs in my mom's room, grabbing some money. I still felt uneasy, so I grabbed a taser aswell and put it in my purse. Just to be safe. I leave the house, locking the door and head to the store. As I arrive, I saw a flyer hanging on the wall outside. I take a look and recognize the person on the flyer. It's the same boy who bothered me and Marissa that day from the park. Jeff killed him and hid his body somewhere. Maybe I should put up missing flyers since my mom hasn't returned and my friend just vanished like she never existed. I go inside the store, being kindly greeted by the cashier. I greet back and go grab the stuff I need. I go back to the cashier and put my stuff for him to scan. "Have you heard about the missing teen?" The guy asks, I nod and pay him. "It's a shame, the boy's parents are devastated.. you should be careful too.. kids are being abducted and later their bodies are being discovered". "I will thanks" I say, grabbing my stuff and leave. I know what happened to the guy but the other kids, that's a different story. Maybe I'm gonna be the next one.

I sigh and walk home. I stand in front of the door, taking my keys. But I noticed the door was already open. "Wait.. didn't I lock it.." I look back at the door and take a few steps back "Yeah no way I'm going inside". I place the stuff I bought on the ground and grab my taser out of my bag. I swallow a big lump in my throat and look at the house.

Are you kidding me? (Jeff the killer x reader)Where stories live. Discover now