Chapter 18

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Hi! So I know this book is shitty and I have no idea why people even read it. Do you guys need help? Should I be concerned?😭 Jk! Lol anyway,
Because of the long wait, I've made this chapter a little long for you guys because I love you all. Now enjoy~
Author-Chan out <3

(Y/n) POV
The next morning when I woke up, I looked around in my room. "Guess he did leave after all.. I should've known" I rubbed my eyes and stretched my arms before standing up.

I grabbed my phone, checking the time "oh what a surprise.. I finally woke up early for once" I say out loud. My stomach was grumbling so I went downstairs to make some breakfast.

"Good morning sleeping beauty"

I almost tripped hearing that familiar voice. I did not expect to see Jeff here, because I thought he had left. My heart was racing rapidly and I felt my face heating up. He did jump scare me after all. But a part of me did feel happy seeing him and was glad he didn't leave. I didn't want to be lonely either.

"Oi! Are you just gonna stand there or?"

I snapped out of my thoughts and closed my mouth. I didn't even realize I was staring at him the whole time. And to make it even worse, my mouth was open the whole time too. "S-sorry" I stutter and sit down.

"Good now eat up" he handed me a plate of pancakes. "Well look at you, I didn't know you could make pancakes" I spoke, taking a bite of the pancake. "I can't actually.. I just added some random shit that I found in your fridge" he says taking a bite from his. I stopped eating and glared at him while he was innocently eating his pancakes. Okay and there goes my appetite. "well okay.. atleast you tried.. you get a thumbs up for effort". I got to remember not to eat anything he makes. Remember that future me!

"Damn right I did and I did a pretty good job too princess.. you better thank me"

Yeah- no... not gonna happen.

"Sure" I giggled and looked over at the mess he made in the kitchen. 'This bitch...' trying to hold my anger because I know how much my mom hates it when the kitchen is dirty or anything in general. If my mom sees this she is gonna ✨murder me✨.

"So uh... you stayed" I said, breaking the silence.

"Yeah so? What about it? Don't get too comfortable sweetheart, it was nothing"

"Nothing? Are you sure? You even made breakfast" I smirked.

He rolled his eyes and brushed the back of his hair. "Whatever, I was feeling nice... I was also too lazy to get back home so shut up before I shove those pancakes up your ass" he growled.

I giggled. "Sure princess~" I teased and waited for his reaction. It took a while. He was processing what I just called him.

"Who the fuck are you calling princess?!"

"You obviously"

"Oh shut up, you're just jealous that I'd make a better princess than you"

"Sure like I'll ever be jealous of you"

He laughed sarcastically and lightly bumped my shoulder. "Anyway... I have to go now. I'll be back later" he stands up and heads out of the kitchen. "Huh? wait where are you going?" I asked confused. "Home!" He yelled but then came back poking his head in the kitchen. "Why do you ask? Are you gonna miss me :3" he teased. I turned my face towards him and stuck my tongue out.

"Oh hell nah! In your dreams princess Jeffy" I flipped him off.

He didn't question it and just rolled his eyes. "Whatever, just don't do anything stupid. I don't wanna see half of you when I get back"

Are you kidding me? (Jeff the killer x reader)Where stories live. Discover now