Chapter 5

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Jeff POV

BEN and I made it back to the mansion. I was tired of carrying BEN, he was still knocked out. When we got inside he woke up.

"Damn that girl is dangerous" BEN said frustrated as hell.

"See what I've been going through"

"Hell fucking yeah! SHE BROKE MY EYES"


"Where have you two been? And why does BEN look like he's been gang banged?"

"HEY !"

"BEN got his ass kicked by a girl"

"What a shame"

"I hate you both!"

And so BEN walked out of the room leaving me and E.J alone.

"Who's the target?"

"some crazy chick"

"I see"

"I don't understand. I couldn't kill her, BEN couldn't kill her, what should I do"

"Idk, I'm gonna eat kidneys now"

When E.J left the room, I was deep in thoughts. Killing her isn't gonna be easy, I see that now. So I'm gonna try something else.

(Y/n) POV

"(Y/n) wake up!"

"Yeah I'm up"

"I was trying to wake you up for hours"

"What do you mean, what time is it?"

"2:45 pm"

"Oh my God, did I really sleep that long?"

"Hell yeah you did, that's pretty impressive but one question"


"What the hell happened to your room? It looks like there's been a tornado in here"

"No.. I've been attacked again but this time by two"

"Here we go again.."

"I'm not joking!"

"Look (y/n) they are not real, it's all in your head"

I was so pissed that she didn't believe me, but I don't blame her. I would react the same to be honest.

What am I gonna do. He's gonna keep trying till he actually kills me. What the fuck! This is so frustrating.

Marissa walked out of my room and came back with some doughnuts and drinks.

"Here, eat"


"So? What are we gonna do today?"

"Girl I don't know, I'm stressed out"

"Okay listen, eat up, get dressed  and we'll go to the park"

"Alright, sounds like a plan"

The park was crowded today. There are people everywhere and it disgusted me. The life of an introvert.

" (y/n) check out those hot boys"

I looked at the direction where Marissa pointed at. The boys are skaters and they were coming our way.

"Hello ladies" the boys greeted

"Hi" Marissa greeted with full of excitement

"Bye" I said. I'm sorry, I just hate these types of boys who think they can get any girl they want.

" (y/n)!"


"Don't be rude"

"Yeah, listen to your friend" one of the boys said.

"Don't fuck with me!" I said angrily.

"I see, little girl's got a potty mouth, you better watch that pretty mouth of yours"

I wanted to slap him so bad, he better watch out before I break his pretty face. This is why I stay home and this is why I need my bat.

Jeff POV

BEN "Jeff I don't think this is a good idea"

JEFF "What do you mean? This is the perfect idea"

BEN "Last time you said that, I lost both of my eyes"

E.J "Don't be ridiculous, if you lost both of your eyes how are you able to see?"

BEN "No one asked you anything E.J!"

JEFF "Guys would you shut the fuck up, I see her"

BEN "oh great.. we spotted satan already"

We hid behind the trees and watched. I guess that's her friend next to her.

E.J "so which one is she?"

BEN "the one with the scary attitude"

E.J"I see"

JEFF "shut up I'm trying to listen"

She seems to be mad at the guys. Well I wish them luck, because she ain't an easy one. I smirked watching her yell at them. 'How fun to watch her, can't wait to kill her'.

BEN "Jeff? How much longer?"

JEFF "wait"

I enjoyed watching her but then..

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