Chapter 11

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(Y/n) POV

"Hi hon,
I won't make it home today sweetie
I'm so sorry, it's just work..
But you have nothing to worry about
There is extra money in my room
If you need anything call me okay
Love you,


"Well that is just great"

I made myself ready for school and left when I was done. So today I'm gonna be home alone which is fine, I'm used to being alone anyway.

On the way I stopped at Marissa's home so that we can go to school together. I knocked twice and no one bothered to open the door.

I took out my phone to call her but before I could, her mother opened the door.

"Good morning miss (you can choose a last name)"

"Good morning (y/n), I'm sorry Marissa won't be going to school today"

"Why?" I asked

"Well, personal issues"

"Oh okay, I understand. Okay bye now"

"Good bye (y/n) have a nice day"

I waved and walked away. Guess I'll be sitting alone at lunch today.

If there is something wrong with Marissa why didn't she tell me.

When I made it to school, I went to my locker. The halls were empty, too empty.

I wasn't late, but I wasn't early either. All the classrooms were empty. Was I missing something? Was there no school today?

If that's the case, I'll just go back home. I turned around and saw a figure standing behind me.

I jumped and kicked the person before I could even see who it was.

"Mother.. ouch.. my spleen"

I backed away and stared at the..boy? Omg I kicked a boy in the nuts.

"Omg I'm so sorry I didn't mean to"

"I-it's fine.. n-nice k-kick"

I helped him up and dusted his clothes. I felt so guilty, I promise it was only self defense.

"Are you okay dude?"

"Y-yeah I'm fine.. still hurts but I-I'm okay"

"I'm really sorry, I thought I was alone. I'm (y/n)"

"Nice to meet you (y/n). I'm Toby"

"So, why's the school so empty?"

"I don't really know"

"Attention students!"

"O-oh.. (Y/n) now would be a pretty good time to go"

"Why? That's the principal's voice"

"Return to class immediately"

"Come on (y/n) we should really go"

"Why would she tell us to go to class when there is no one here"

"Goddammit (y/n) let's go"

"Toby? What is going on?"

"(Y/n) return to class"

"Wtf how did she know I'm-"

"(Y/n) we can't stay here! You're not save"

"Who are you Toby? And really, who are you"

"You will be executed" (demonic voice)

Before I could question why I just heard the principal's voice change, Toby lifted me up bridal style and ran.

"Hey! What are you doing"

Toby "saving us"

"What is going on"

Toby "I'm not sure, I was ordered to rescue you"

"From who? Or what?"

Toby "I have no idea"

"You're one of the pasta's are you?"

Toby "yeah, how did you know"

"I assumed"

The lights turned off and we were in complete darkness.

Toby "this can't be good"

"What do you mean"

Toby "ever heard of a school lock down?"


Toby "hide.."

"Wait wha-?"

Toby "lets go.. we need to hide and lock the door"

"Okay okay!"

Toby "do you trust me?"

"I just met you"

Toby "you wanna live don't you?"


Toby "okay just be quiet, don't make any sounds or else we'll get caught"

"What's out there?"

Toby "I don't know but I do know this. What ever is out there wants to kill you for some reason"

"Why does everyone or thing wants to kill me"

Toby "hey I don't know, it's not like you're that important that everyone wants to kill you... or are you?"

"What are you talking about? Why are you looking at me like that?"

Toby "(y/n) (y/l/n).. what's so important about you that, that thing out there wants you dead?"

"You tell me"

Toby "well I don't freaking know, that's why I'm asking you"

"Look, there is nothing important about me. I'm just an ordinary girl dude"

Toby "okay if you say so"

I'm in shock, I don't know what's happening and I for sure don't understand any of this.

Suddenly loud banging came from outside the classroom were me and Toby were hiding. I started to get headaches. The banging became louder and louder.

Toby "it's getting close"

"What are we gonna do if it finds us?"

Toby "ehhh probably run for our lives"

"Sounds like a plan"

Things always seem to happen when I'm far away from my bat. Damn it.

Toby "(y/n)?"


Toby "don't make any sounds"

It's close...

To be continued XD
I suck

So I forgot that Toby doesn't feel pain XD
but does he feels pain when he gets kicked in the nuts??
if not than just go with it XD

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