Chapter 13

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"Hi, this is Diane
Please leave a message"

"Hey mom, when are you coming home? You didn't leave a message or call like you normally would. *sighs* Okay bye now... love you"

(Y/n) POV

I called mom at least 5 times, no answer. Her phone is off, that never happens. I'm getting worried. I didn't hear anything from Marissa either. What is going on with people?

I called a classmate yesterday after the incident to ask if there was school. She said no, the school has been shut down. I was shocked. How come I didn't hear anything about it.

I wasted my time to go to school and there wasn't even school.

Text messages●

(y/n): hey Marissa did you know school has been shut down?

She didn't reply so I textet another classmate of mine.

(y/n): hey Jay, I heard school has been shut down

Jay: there were bodies discovered, haven't you seen the news?

(y/n): no that's why I'm asking

Jay: well for now just stay home

(y/n): how come everyone knew accept for me? 

Jay: dude idk, everyone got a call from the principal didn't you?

(y/n): No nothing

Jay: Okay well you'll hear it from me when we have school and you should watch the news more often

(y/n): Thanks Jay

Son of a- , seriously. I'm literally the only one who wasn't that important to get a call. That's messed up.

My life is getting weirder by the second. My mom is not picking up, my bestfriend is probably dead, no just kidding.

But I wanna know why she hasn't called or texted me back, she would never do that. Now school has been closed down, what now?

Since I met Jeff my life has been a complete mess. Speaking of Jeff, he's probably dead to. I haven't seen him two nights. Which is fine, I don't really care.

I layed on my bed and watched some food videos because I'm hungry but to lazy to make food. Suddenly I heard footsteps from outside my room.

Okay, this better not be some goddamn serial killer. I took my bat and positioned myself. The noises stopped and suddenly I heard laughter of a child.

The person slowly opened my door and I took a few steps back.

"Oh shit, not again"

My door was now wide open and no one was there. Am I going crazy? I slowly walked to the door and slammed it shut. I sighed and sat on my bed.

That wasn't very nice (y/n)

I jumped up and looked around my room. I'm getting paranoid.

"Listen, whatever is out there, I don't play games. So just come out dude! Or woman or alien, ghost, shit, whatever you are"

I don't know what I'm saying, I need help.

You know what, forget I said those things. Please, just go away and never return. I only fight humans. 

You poor little soul
The voice said and laughed

"What do you want!"

No response.

Are you kidding me? (Jeff the killer x reader)Where stories live. Discover now