chapter 1

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"Check this out"

My bestfriend Marissa showed me a picture of some weird looking people, should I even call them people? I don't know.

"What are those?" I asked her

"It's called creepy pasta, girl"

"Creepy what now?"


"Are you kidding me?"

"No (y/n) I'm not kidding tho, that's what they are called"

"Are you on drugs again?"

"Omg no (y/n) I'm not on drugs, what do you mean again? I was never on drugs"

"Sorry, you act like a crackhead some times"

"Oh shut up"

While me and Marissa were discussing this weird subject, my mom came in and told us the food was ready.

"Oh finally, I was starving"

"But we just ate"


"You're such a fatass"

"Jealous much?"

"Hell no"

"Than shut up and lets go"

"Okay fine"

We headed downstairs and sat down. My mom gave us our food and me, the fatass that I am, ate like I've never had food before.

"(Y/n) manners!" My mom yelled

"It's okay miss (y/l/n), I'm used to her behavior"

"See mom, that's called friendship and accepting each other for who we are. So accept me mother"

My mom rolled her eyes and continued eating. I was already done, it took me 5 minutes to finish.

"Omg you're done"

"Yup.. dang it feels good to be a gangster"

"Are you sure you're not on drugs"

I looked at Marissa and showed her the finger. My mom of course yelled at me but she knows I won't get away with it. So I better start running before she beats me with her flip flops.

I waited for Marissa to finish her food. When she was done we headed back upstairs. No need to worry, I did the dishes. I really don't want to suffer the pain of my mom's flip flops.

Marissa and I were bored as hell. I decided to play some games on my laptop and Marissa, well, she was to busy fan girling.



"Can you stop with those creepy pasta shit of yours"

She gave me a demonic look that freaked me the hell out.

"Never in a million years" she said

"Can't you just fan girl over some other things?"

"Now why the hell would I? Hmm"

Okay, I give up. Fan girls are crazy these days. She's fan girling over things that don't even excist.

"Because they're not real"

"Listen (y/n), I don't judge you when you fan girl over anime guys, so let me be"

"Hey! That's disrespecting"

"You feel me now?

And she continued looking and scrolling through the pictures and stories.

Later I got bored of gaming and decided to find out more about those "creepy pasta" things.

'wow, there are a thousand of them' I thought to myself.

I still don't get why people get so obsessed with them, they're not even real.

"Hey (y/n)?"


"my mom picked me up, I'll see you tomorrow okay"


I continued looking and trying to find out more about them.

"Okay this is stupid, why do I even want to find out more, they're obviously fake"

But I still continued anyway. The one that caught my eye was this dude, Jeff the killer.

"Damn he looks sick"

I mean all of them look weird but he seems interesting. While scrolling down a few photos of jeff, my laptop started to flicker.

"The fuck?"

That's weird, why did it do that?. The junk that people sell these days or is it just because I accidentally spilled some water the other day.

I checked the time and it was 9 pm.

"Okay, that will do for today"

I changed into my shorts and a big shirt and went to sleep.

Are you kidding me? (Jeff the killer x reader)Where stories live. Discover now