Chapter 9

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Ben "Is this really necessary?"

Jeff " Trust me, I know what I'm doing"

Ben "You never know what you're doing"

Jeff "This time I do"

Ben "Okay, you do you Jeffy boy"

Jeff "Now tell me. How do I look?"

Ben "weird"

Jeff "damn it"

2 minutes later

Jeff "how 'bout now?"

Ben "A fatass no"

Jeff "now?"

Ben "nope"

Jeff "what about now?"

Ben "Jeff I don't think this is worki- OMG WTF JEFF!"

Jeff "what?"

Ben "What the hell dude! Oh God my eyes!"

Jeff "what's wrong with this one?"

Ben "where the fuck did you get it!"

Jeff "does that really matter"

Ben "Dammit Jeff I'm out of here"

Jeff *sighs*

EJ "what are you guys doin- OMG!"

Jeff "not you to"

EJ "what the fuck happened to your damn clothes!"

Jeff " I'm just looking for something to wear"

EJ "for once I'm thankful that I don't have eyes"

Jeff "Shut up"

Ben "for once I'm thankful that I'm dead"

Jeff "fuck you"

(Y/n) POV:

So? What to do? What to do?
I'm bored as fuck right now and kind of regret not letting Jeff inside. Who am I kidding, why would I even want him here.

It's not like we're friends, he's a killer and he only wants to kill me. He's just playing tricks on me. Okay okay calm the fuck down (y/n). You know better.

What the fuck am I even talking about? I think I really need therapy.
That's it! It's time for a meeting with myself. To the Bed!

"Well well well, if it isn't (y/n)"

"Indeed (y/n), it is I (y/n)"

"What do you want? Long time no see and heard"

"Well, you see.. I'm having a discussion with myself because I'm a lonely potato"

"Get to the point"

"I'd like to talk about this dude named Jeff"


"Yeah.. he really is tho, I don't understand him"

"Oh? But why?"

"Where should I even begin"

"You can start by saying I'm beautiful"

"Holy fuck! How did you get in here! And why are you dressed like that!"

Jeff "you don't like it?"


Jeff "I don't see why"

"You're blind that's why. Now back to the question. How did you get in here?"

Jeff "I went through the TV"

"How the fuck did you do that?"

Jeff "magic"

"Yeah right"

I really didn't expect him to find a way in. But yeah, he is Jeff the killer. Even though I don't believe him about the whole TV thing. I might investigate later.

"can I ask why you're dressed like that?"

Jeff " I wanted to try something new"

"New is bad"

Jeff "okay stop making fun of me"

"I'm not, I'm just saying you look hideous"

Jeff "stop being so straight forward"


"So, why are you here? I didn't invite you"

Jeff "you ask to many goddamn questions. And I invited myself"

"Because I want to know the goddamn answers"

Jeff smiled and I started to get pissed. 'He sure loves smiling for no goddamn reason' I thought to myself.

Jeff sat down next to me and for some reason, I started to get nervous. I don't trust him, he can try anything. I should be alert for every move he makes.

He made eye contact with me and smiled seductively. I didn't know what to do, so I did the same thing. Now I was in a awkward position. We are basically having a staring contest.

'Why isn't he saying anything?'

'Why is he looking at me like that?'

'Why aren't we saying anything?'

'omg did I feed the dog?"

'Oh no.. I'm such a bad owner'

So many thoughts were swimming in my mind. Should I be worried? Because I am.


Jeff "Shhh"

"Don't. hush. me."

Jeff "you are ruining the moment

"What moment?"

Jeff "we are having a moment"

"We're just sitting in silence"

Jeff "well, okay say something"

"I'm giving up on you?"

Jeff "what?"

"It's a song dumbass"

Jeff "ohw -_-"

And there is was again, the awkward silence. I'm surprised I didn't throw him out of the house. Even though I wanted him out, a part of me didn't want to.

Jeff POV

"I'm showing weakness"
"Why am I keeping her alive?"
"I'm supposed to kill her"

But I can't..

The look in her beautiful (y/e/c) eyes. Her sweet innocent smile. She is so beautiful that I can't resist. I must kill, but I don't want to.

I'm so sorry (y/n).


(Y/n) "yeah?"

"What do you think about me?"

(Y/n) "I don't know. I don't even know you for long"

"I mean. What do you think about me? Aren't you scared of my face?"


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